Chapter 6: The Good & The Bad

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright for Kingdom Hearts or Toaru Majutsu no Index Series.


*A/N - Long time no see. Sorry for the long wait. Life really did not go as I thought it would lol. But now that things have calmed down, it's time to get my ass in gear and crank out some chapters. Plus, Sora has a lot to learn while being in Academy City and a lot of new friends to make. I appreciate everyone for checking the story out and hope you are all doing well. With that out of the way, hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to more to come.

P.S. - Happy Holidays and stay safe out there.


Having followed the young and energetic young girl, Sora was now sitting at one of the tables located in the hospital's cafeteria. He was accompanied by Last Order who was gushing about the food today, not including enough sweets, and her sister who was poking at her sandwich that she picked up while in the food line. Sora couldn't help but smile at his two new friends and even chuckled recalling when they arrived at the cafeteria. The two sisters made a beeline straight for the food line, but Last Order trotted back to him and latched onto his jacket. Beckoning him to follow them which is how he came to have a tray of delicious food sitting in front of him.

The whole cafeteria as a whole was really stylish with plenty of space and a large number of people currently in the place chatting amongst themselves. It felt nice to get something to eat as Sora had been through quite a lot in just the morning of the day. Meeting a bunch of new people and then having to deal with a Heartless attack.

Sora couldn't help the chuckle that escaped, "Just another day for me, huh?"

Last Order seemed puzzled by what Sora just said and tilted her head while blurting out her confusion.

"Just another day? Says Misaka Misaka as she is repeating the confusing statement that you made"

"Heh. Don't worry about it. Just me collecting my thoughts. Speaking of..." Picking up the sandwich that was sitting on his tray, Sora took a bite and couldn't help the goofy smile that was plastered on his face while still chewing the sandwich. "This is really good!"

"Is it? This sandwich is a regular concoction created at this here cafeteria. Misaka has had this sandwich plenty of times and isn't sure what you mean by really good. Answers Misaka as she is wondering if something is different about today's sandwich" Misaka 10,032 stated.

"Misaka thinks that your tasting sensors are outdated and need to be updated to taste a delicious sandwich. Says Misaka Misaka as she is criticizing this model's taste buds"

"Or... I think that I'm just really hungry and anything I eat now will just be more delicious" Sora said, interjecting before the two sisters could start fighting over taste.

"That would also be a likely case. Says Misaka as she also agrees with that conclusion"

Enjoying the company, Sora spent the next several minutes finishing up his lunch while also chatting with the two sisters about other aspects of the hospital. He also made sure that if he was around in the evening to stop by the cafeteria for some ice cream. Granted, he didn't ask what flavors would be at the cafeteria, but he had a feeling that his favorite flavor wouldn't be here sadly. However, before he knew it, Last Order seemed to look over at the cafeteria's clock on the wall and bolted up from her seat.

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