"Scott?" Stiles asked.

"It's happening. I can't control it. It's happening."

"Come on. Before anyone sees. Come, on, come on!" Stiles dragged Scott to the changing rooms as Lottie stuck around to assess the damage.

"Huh, Jackass. Looks like you don't have what it takes to be first line after all." She taunted Jackson, well aware that the boy had been giving her best friend trouble. Smiling sickeningly sweet, she turned and ran off to the locker room, hearing Scott growl at Stiles and a scuffle of feet. Bursting in, she picks up the knocked over fire extinguisher and aims it at Scott, unleashing the CO2 and plumes of white.

"Stiles?" Lottie calls out, noticing him poke his head around the corner of the lockers, his hiding spot.

"What happened?" Scott asked.

"You tried to kill me." Stiles mumbled, the shock wearing off as his hands began to shake in anger, Lottie was quick to beat him to Scott.

"Scott McCall! We don't try to kill our best friends! That's like rule number one!" Lottie stood in front of Stiles with her hands on her hips facing the third member of their trio. She understood he had a lack of control but still, how couldn't he recognise his best friend?

"It's like I told you. It's the anger, your pulse rising. They're all triggers." Stiles fumed quietly.

"But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game if you hadn't noticed." Scott sassed, regretting it as soon as he saw Lottie's expression.

"Drop the tone. We're trying to help."

"A lot more violent if you end up killing someone. You can't play Saturday. You have to get out of the game." Stiles continued.

"But I'm first line." Scott whined.

"Not anymore." Lottie and Stiles said in unison, sighing at their friend, sad for him but more concerned with keeping him safe.


Stiles and Lottie were sat in his room, discussing their favourite Star Wars theories. It was one of their favourite past-times despite the fact it always ended in an argument resulting in them buying each other ice-cream to make up for it.

"You just want Jar-Jar Binks to be a Sith Force user. There's no way, he's too clueless." Stiles argued, throwing popcorn at his best friend.

"It makes sense Stiles! He is capable of so many physical feats that are normally popular characteristics of a Jedi, like the flips and jumps and he always survives relatively unscathed. Whose to say he's not got some force within him?" Lottie pointed out, catching the popcorn in her mouth with skill.

"It's just not happening. Now one theory that's for sure true is the theory that Ewoks ate the Stormtroopers. I mean we never see them eat and then once they've defeated the Stormtroopers they are carrying their helmets and no bodies to be found. It makes perfect-" Stiles was cut off by the sound of Scott calling on his laptop. Lottie ran over and sat in the still slashed computer chair as Stiles lumped himself onto her lap, grinning as she groaned.


"Rude. Should've let me sit first."

"Never. Now answer our friend."

"What'd you find out?" Scott asked the two, used to them always being together if the three of them weren't.

"Hello to you too, Scotty." Lottie greeted, moving to the side so she was more in frame.

"It's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder." Stiles explained, causing Scott to moan.

"Because of me?"

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