chapter one

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"For what?"

"Two joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles said, smiling.

"A dead body?" Scott asked dumbly, as Lottie got out of the car.

"No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body." Stiles sassed as he pulled himself up to untangle his legs from the trellis, landing with a thud on his feet.

"You mean like murdered?"

"Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties."

"Wait. Hold on. If they found a body, what are they looking for now?" Lottie asked as she made her way to the boys, hugging Scott briefly, looking at Stiles in curiosity.

"That's the best part." Stiles exclaimed, clearly excited. "They only found half."

"Nope. I'm out." Lottie said bluntly, not getting far as she made to walk away as Stiles, wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Scott grab her legs. Quick." Stiles lifted her off the ground easily as Scott did as he was told and grabbed her legs.

"This is kidnapping. I don't want to see half a dead body. Scratch that. I don't want to see a dead body period." Lottie complained as she was shoved into the passenger seat.

"Lotts. Just think of it as a 'Musketeer Mission' okay?" Stiles said as he started up his Jeep.

"Yeah we loved those." Scott chimed in.

"Yeah, when the mission was stealing Mrs Mkandy's sweet stash from her bottom drawer in English. When we were six." Lottie sighed, rolling her eyes, knowing she'd lost the battle.


Pulling up to the Beacon Hills Preserve, Stiles reached back to the backseat and grabbed his backpack, grabbing three torches and handing two to his friends. Rushing out the car, he starts making his way through the preserve making Scott and Lottie jog a little to keep up.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott asked, now not so sure about the idea.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town. Besides, it's our last night of summer freedom."

"To be fair, you do complain an awful lot about how boring it is around here." Lottie agreed, tripping over a branch, scowling when the two boys chuckled at her.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep for practice tomorrow." Scott explained. Lottie smiled faintly. Her boys had been benchwarmers for their lacrosse team for as long as they've been on the team.

"Right, because sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort." Stiles scoffed.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm going to make the starting lineup." Scott said, puffing his chest, looking determined.

"And how are you gonna do that? What's changed over summer Scotty?" Lottie asked.

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Changing the subject, Scott looked over at Stiles, who gulped looking at the sudden expression on Lottie's face.

"I didn't even think about that."

"And what if whoever killed the girl is still out here?" Scott asked.

"That has been brought to my attention and I also don't have an answer for that either." Stiles explained.

"Stiles. You best be grateful your dad is the sheriff or he'd be looking for two dead bodies tonight." Lottie said through gritted teeth.

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