Bumblebee part 4

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*Luffy, Morbius and Usopp ride in Bumblebee on the freeway, with Luffy in the driver's seat. Bumblebee keeps messing with his radio.*
Usopp: What's up with the stereo?
Morbius: He's been going up and down on that dial all day today and I don't know why.
Luffy: Hey, check this out.
*Luffy lets go of the wheel and they start to swerve off the road. But Bumblebee straightens himself out.*
Usopp: Oh! Oh, God! You don't need to drive him yourself?!
Morbius: Yup!
Luffy: Now watch this!
*Bumblebee opens his roof and allows the 3 of them to stand with the wind blowing as they drive.*
Luffy: Woohoo!
Usopp: This is awesome!
Morbius: I knew you'd like him!

*At Sector 7, Shatter and Dropkick have interfaced themselves into their mainframe to track down Bumblebee.*
Powell: It's incredible! They're combining our technology seamlessly. Satellites, phones, computers. They're creating an interconnected web of information. Volumes of data at their fingertips. More complex than today's internet. It's revolutionary.
*Burns and Whalen are watching through an office that has a window view of the room.*
Burns: He's a weird guy. You ever notice that about Powell?
Powell: They're tracking fluctuations in Energon levels. It's like a heat signature specific to their species. It's astonishing. It's beautiful. It's-
*Whalen hangs up on him.*
Powell: Hello? Hello?
Burns: You've given them our satellites, our comms, God knows what else.
Whalen: Yet in the space of a day they've given us a way to not only hunt down B-127, but all of them. Let them finish what they're doing. Let them find B-127. And then I'll give you permission to destroy them all. Use them for spare parts.
Burns: Sir, yes, sir.

Usopp: So you have no idea where he came from?
Luffy: Nope.
Usopp: Ever thought about calling the police?
Morbius: They're just gonna send him away to a lab and do weird science experiments on him.
Bumblebee: ♪ Weird Science!
♪ Plastic tubes and pots and pans... ♪
Morbius: You're getting pretty good with that radio dial, Bee.
Luffy: Yeah, D.J. Bumble in the house!
Bumblebee: ♪ I can't live without my radio ♪
Morbius: Is that why you're always messing with the dial? You're trying to teach yourself how to talk, aren't you?
Bumblebee: ♪ Walk like a man Talk like a man... ♪
Morbius: No way. Oh, my God, Bee, you're a genius! You're an actual genius!
*Bumblebee briefly plays It Takes Two by Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock. They then see a bunch of teenagers hanging out near a cliff side.*
Luffy: What is going on here?
Morbius: Looks like some teenagers are having a party or something.
Usopp: You want to check it out?
Morbius: Wouldn't hurt to find out.
*They park where the other kids' cars are and get out.*
Morbius: Bee, we'll be right back. Don't do anything crazy.
Teenager 1: Doesn't anyone have the balls to jump off this thing with me?
Usopp: Jump off the cliff?!
*Bumblebee opens his door to push Luffy forward.*
Teenager: Ah! A brave volunteer.
Luffy: Oh, no. I didn't actually-
*Bumblebee briefly plays The Touch by Stan Bush.*
Teenager 1: Hey, I know you.
Luffy: Really? Cause I don't remember meeting you.
Teenager 1: I saw your face on a wanted poster. You're worth $30 million, aren't you?
Morbius: No, that's someone else-
Luffy: Yup!
Morbius and Usopp: Luffy!
Teenager 1: Nah, it's cool man. Ladies and gentlemen. This just got a whole lot more interesting. We have a pirate here with us!
*Everyone cheers.*
Teenager 1: Don't worry, I won't make you go first for this.
Luffy: For what?
*He then proceeds to jump off the cliff and into the water.*
Usopp: I think he asked you to jump with him.
Luffy: Alright, then!
*But Morbius stops him.*
Morbius: Whoa, Luffy. You can't swim, remember?
Luffy: Oh, yeah.
Teenager 2: You can't swim? What kind of pirate can't swim?
Usopp: Hey, back off.
Teenager 2: Mind your own business, Long nose.
Luffy: Just because I can't swim doesn't mean anything, jerk!
Teenager 2: And you seriously have a car? It's an embarrassment. Why don't you go back to the sea where you belong?
*She walks off.*
Luffy: Why, you-
*Luffy gets angry but Morbius and Usopp grab him before he does anything.*
Morbius: Don't do it, Luffy! She's just a normal kid!
Usopp: Yeah, she doesn't have any powers like you. But I think I know something that'll make you feel better.
Luffy: What?
Usopp: Revenge.
Morbius: I don't really want revenge.
Usopp: Well, she didn't insult you. What about you, Bee?
Bumblebee: ♪ I just want...
♪ Revenge!
♪ I'm mad ♪
Usopp: Come on. I got an idea.

*Later that night, they stand outside the teenager's house.*
Usopp: I managed to track that girl that made fun of us and found out she lives here.
Morbius: Oh, this is gonna be so good. Now this, Bee, is toilet paper. You use it for when you... Here, just take a roll.
*He hands Bumblebee a roll of toilet paper but he crushes it.*
Luffy: No, you've got to throw it. Like this.
*Luffy grabs a roll and throws it into a tree. Bumblebee grabs all the rolls and throws them over the house.*
Morbius: Not... Yeah, um...
Usopp: Okay, look, Bee, you be our egg man.
*Usopp pulls out a carton of eggs.*
Luffy: These are eggs. You eat them.
Usopp: But we're using them for this.
*Usopp shoots one of them at the car parked in the driveway.*
Morbius: Most people mainly just throw them. Now, you try.
*Bumblebee grabs all the eggs and cracks them on the car. He then starts wiping the car with yolk.*
Luffy: Hahahaha!
*But Bumblebee starts to get carried away and smashes the car, triggering its alarm.*
Morbius: Crap!
Usopp: Hide!
*Bumblebee flips the car over and hides behind it.*
Morbius: Not like that!
Luffy: Let's go!
*Bumblebee transforms into his vehicle mode and drives off with Luffy, Morbius and Usopp. The teenage girl that made fun of them earlier looks outside to see that her car is destroyed.*
Teenager: Mom!

Usopp: That was insane! My heart right now is going crazy.
Morbius: We showed her!
Luffy: That outta teach her!
Morbius: But she doesn't know it was us.
*They then see a police car behind them with its sirens on pursuing them.*
Usopp: Uh oh!
Morbius: We must've broken the speed limit!
*Bumblebee starts driving faster.*
Luffy: Bee, what are you doing?
*He then plays I Can't Drive 55 by Sammy Hagar. Bumblebee drives off the road but hangs onto the railing on the edge. They then drive through a tunnel.*
Morbius: Oh, my God, we're committing a felony! Then again, we are pirates.
*The police car starts to catch up to them. But Bumblebee reclines his seats to hide Luffy and Morbius. And squishing Usopp in the process.*
Police officer: We got a yellow vehicle driving its damn self through the Pico Tunnel.
*He attempts to corner them as the tunnel shrinks. But Bumblebee makes himself thinner and then transforms midway to get on top of the police car. He then jumps off it and drives away,*
Luffy: That was awesome!
Morbius: Hey, where's Usopp?
*Bumblebee sets his seats up to reveal Usopp.*
Usopp: Ow...

*The next day*
Luffy: Morning, Bee. We got stuff to do.
*He opens his driver side door.*
Morbius: Listen, Bee. You need to stay here. After what happened last night, I'm pretty sure the cops are looking for you, and, uh, you don't exactly blend in.
*He makes a sad humming noise.*
Morbius: Here, have a Pop-Tart.

*Luffy and Morbius hang out at the food court of the mall.*
Morbius: You think Bumblebee will be fine on his own?
Luffy: Yeah. What's the worst that can happen?

*Bumblebee sees a seagull land on the Going Merry, prompting him to climb aboard and look at it. It flies in his face, causing him to flip his battle mask on. He then tries to open the door to the lounge room but it breaks. He manages to squeeze his way in and is inside. He sees a coffee maker and turns it on. It starts pouring coffee and he quickly pulls it out. He then finds an electric generator with extension cords connected to an outlet outside and touches it. But he gets shocked, sending a fluctuation of Energon into the electricity field.*

Powell: What's happening here?
Scientist: We got a hitt, I think.
Powell: Where's that location?
Scientist: Near San Francisco. A coastal town named Brighton Falls.

*Shatter and Dropkick drive to where Bumblebee is joined by some Sector 7 vehicles.*

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