Arlong Park part 11

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*Nami and Nojiko watch behind some bushes in the forest.*
Nami: What should we do, Nojiko? We don't have that much money.
Nojiko: Maybe the fishmen won't be able to find our house. You can't see it from here?
*Arlong and his men collect money from the villagers.*
Arlong: So what's the hull?
Kuurobi: $25,000,000. Give or take.
Arlong: You all shall live! Shashashasha!
Townsfolk 1: It looks like we each have to pay $100,000 to these fishmen every month just to stay alive.
Townsfolk 2: There's no way we could survive.
Genzo: We don't have a choice. We should just be happy no one in the village has been killed yet. If all they want is money, that's an easy price to pay. I just hope they leave without noticing Bellemere's house. With 2 children, she'll need $200,000. There's no way she has that much saved up...
Arlong: It's time to leave! Come, brothers!
Fishman Pirate: Arlong, there's smoke coming from outside the village!
*One of the fishman pirates spots smoke coming from afar.*

*Smoke rises from the chimney in Bellemere's house as she cooks.*
Bellemere: Delicious. There isn't anything as tasty as my tangerine sauce. Nami and Nojiko are gonna love it.

Fishman Pirate: It looks like chimney smoke coming from someone's house!
Arlong: Oh, we almost missed that one.
Nami and Nojiko: Bellemere!
*They start running back to the house.*
Arlong: Alright, let's go.
*Arlong and his crew begin walking to
Townsfolk 1: Those pirates are going to Bellemere's house!
Townsfolk 3: Genzo, look! Nami and Nojiko are gone!
Doctor: What?!

Bellemere: Just a few more minutes and the stew should be ready. This is definitely gonna blow my budget, but sometimes you've gotta live a little.
*Arlong arrives and knocks on the door.*
Bellemere: That must be them.
*But she looks through the window and sees her house is surrounded.*

Bellemere: It's open.
Arlong: Why, thank you.
*Arlong opens the door, but Bellemere kicks him in the chin and pins him to the ground pointing a rifle at him.*
Bellemere: I guess you weren't expecting a former marine. Now what would a pirate want in Cocoyashi Village?
*But Arlong's men laugh at her.*

*Genzo runs towards Bellemere's house.*
Genzo: Why'd it have to be now?!

Bellemere: What's so funny?!
Arlong: Shashashasha!
*Arlong bites down on the barrel of the gun and breaks it.*
Arlong: Foolish! Stupid! Puny! Worthless! All of you humans! You have no strength to speak of! Shashashasha!

*Nami and Nojiko run towards the back end of the house.*
Nami: We'll help her escape through the back door!
Nojiko: What if the pirates are already there?!
Nami: We'll be ok!
Doctor: Stop!
*The doctor stands in their way.*
Nami: Doctor!
Doctor: You can't go back home!
Nami: But we have to save Bellemere!
Doctor! Nojiko! Nami! Quiet and listen to me! There will be times. Times in life, like this moment now when you have to learn the truth no matter how hard it is to take.
*They hear Bellemere scream of pain.*
Nami: Bellemere!

*Arlong repeatedly stomps on her arm, effectively destroying it.*
Bellemere: It's no use. These guys are monsters. I'm going to die. Nojiko... Nami...
Genzo: Bellemere! Don't waste your life because you're a stubborn fool! There's no reason for this fight for when this can be resolved with a simple exchange of money!
Bellemere: Genzo...
Arlong: Just pay the fee and I'll stop. 100,000 for each adult and 50,000 for each kid. If you can pay for your whole family, I'll gladly spare your lives.
Bellemere: Family?
*Genzo tries to comfort her.*
Genzo: How much money do you have? You need 200,000.
Bellemere: I don't have it. I'm not even close.
Hatchan: Hey, the table is set for 3 in the house!
Arlong: Ah, a family of 3. Shashashasha!
Genzo: It's for me and my friend. We were supposed to have dinner tonight before you came. Come, Bellemere. I know you've made something wonderful. Pay them before it gets cold.
*They whisper to each other.*
Bellemere: Pay them?
Genzo: Just pay the pirates. And everyone is saved.
Kuurobi: It's true. The village registry shows no record of her getting married or giving birth. She's always lived alone.

*Nami and Nojiko are shocked after hearing the doctor speak.*
Doctor: Listen, there's no way that the pirates will ever find out about you. But you have to leave this island immediately and don't ever look back! It's the only way for all 3 of you to survive. We can't afford it any other way. You're much too young to be at sea alone, but you've survived before. And if there's even a chance-
Nami: No, I don't want to. Why do we have to leave? You're the ones that came here! I wanna stay in this village! It's because we're poor, that's why we can't stay together?! Why can't they just go away?!
Nojiko: Fine, we'll leave this island!
Nami: Nojiko!
Nojiko: We have to leave or Bellemere will die!

*Arlong and his men begin to leave.*
Bellemere: Wait, who said I was paying for me? That money I gave up was for my 2 daughters. But I can't pay you.
Genzo: What are you doing?!
Bellemere: It's ok. I have to do this for my family. Even if it costs me my life.

*Nami, Nojiko and the doctor hear what Bellemere said.*
Doctor: Stupid girl!

Bellemere: It's true the 3 of us aren't related by blood. But we're family. All I ever wanted was to be their mother. And now, I can be.

Nami and Nojiko: Bellemere!
Doctor: wait!
*But they start running.*

Arlong: You've got daughters?
Nami: It was a lie! It was a lie, Bellemere!
*Nami and Nojiko run towards Bellemere and cry.*
Bellemere: Don't cry, girls. I just wish I could have provided for you, better. I wish I could have been a better mother to the both of you.
Nojiko: Don't say that!
Nami: We'll do anything, just please don't die! You need to see the map I made of the whole world!
Bellemere: Yes, that would make your dreams come true. For me.
Nami: Bellemere, no!
Arlong: So these are your daughters?
Bellemere: Yeah, that's right. And you have to promise me that you'll leave them alone.
Arlong: No problem. As long as you die like a good girl.
Nami: Help us!
Genzo: No!
*Genzo tries to shoot Arlong, but Kuurobi blocks the bullets and slashes him in the face with a sword. Then the villagers run at them with weapons in hand.*
Arlong: Don't kill them. Just teach them a lesson. Now, to set an example.
*Arlong points a gun to her head and his men fight off the villagers.*
Arlong: You ready to die?
Bellemere: Nojiko! Nami! I love you...
*Arlong then shoots her in front of Nami and Nojiko, killing Bellemere.*

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