Bumblebee part 3

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*Luffy, Morbius and Bumblebee walk through the Redwood forest.*
Morbius: Must suck being cooped up in a VW all day, huh? Is there anyone that can help you? Do you have a family? You know, like a mom, dad, siblings?
Luffy: Robots have families?
Morbius: Well... I'm not sure.
*Some electric sparks come out of Bumblebee's chest.*
Luffy: Looks like something oh his is broken.
Morbius: Let's see if I can fix it.
*Morbius removes a chest piece off Bumblebee to look at his circuitry.*
Morbius: Whoa. Can you lay down, please?
*He lies down on his back to allow Morbius to fix him.*
Morbius: I think maybe there's something-
*But suddenly, there's a hologram of Optimus Prime that projects from Bumblebee's chest.*
Luffy: It's a ghost!
Morbius: It's a hologram, idiot.
*The hologram plays a message but it comes out scrambled.*
Optimus: B-127, I pray this message finds you. Our war rages on. ...planet Earth... ...survival...

*Flashback, Bumblebee's escape begins its ascent into space and off Cybertron. Optimus jumps off the launch tower and grabs onto a seeker in its jet mode before it crashes into the ground. He then begins fighting the Decepticon soldiers on the ground.*
Soundwave: Ravage, eject!
*A Jaguar like Decepticon called Ravage ejects from Soundwave's chest like a mini cassette and attacks Optimus. He manages to shake the Cassette Bot off but is surrounded by more Decepticons.*

Starscream: Nowhere to run, Optimus Prime

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Starscream: Nowhere to run, Optimus Prime.
*They then proceed to gang up on him.*

*In the present*
Optimus: ...your mission...soldier...I...
*The hologram disappears.*
Luffy: Are you okay?
Morbius: Who was that? That voice said something about a war.
Luffy: Do you remember anything?
Morbius: Is the VW Beetle some kind of disguise?
Luffy: Are you hiding from something? Are you scared?
*Bumblebee tries to play audio from the radio on him but nothing comes out but static.*
Luffy: It's broken.
Morbius: I think I can help. Just need to do some research first.

*Later that night, Morbius returns to the Merry after buying a new car stereo.*
Morbius: Alright, I'm back.
*He finds Luffy and Bumblebee watching The Breakfast Club.*
Morbius: No way. Are you actually watching it?
*Bumblebee does a fist bump in the air like in the ending of the movie.*
Luffy: I brought it out here so he can watch. Usopp has a bunch of movies for us to watch. Did you get it?
Morbius: Yup. Guy at the thrift store said it should be easy to install.
*Morbius then proceeds to remove Bumblebee's stereo and replace it with the one he bought.*
Luffy: Does it work?
*They turn it on and it plays Take On Me by a-ha.*
Luffy and Morbius: It worked!
*Bumblebee moves to the beat of the music.*
Luffy: You got some moves.

*Morbius returns from below deck to grab some mixtapes.*
Morbius: Made these a long time ago. Music can help you say what you're feeling.
Luffy: Which reminds me. We need to get a musician soon.
Morbius: That's the least of our needs.
*Morbius puts in a tape that plays Girlfriend In A Coma by the Smiths. But Bumblebee ejects it a few seconds after it plays.*
Morbius: Not a Smiths fan. Ok, try this.
*He then puts in another tape that plays Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. But he also ejects it immediately after playing.*
Luffy: Doesn't like that either.
Morbius: This might take a while. Perhaps I need to do some more tinkering. I'm not really good at this.
Luffy: But you're smart. You'll figure out.
Morbius: I guess. That is the point of science, to do trial and error until eventually on succeeds...
*Bumblebee starts to mess with some shelves, and he finds what he thinks is a tape, but it's actually...*
Morbius: Woah! Woah! Woah! Don't touch that!
Luffy: Huh?
Bumblebee: Mm??
Morbius: It's a... private thing.
Luffy: What is it?
Morbius: It... was... something very important.
Luffy: How important?
Morbius: ... I...
Luffy: You can tell us. Bee won't say anything right?
*Bee nods*
Morbius: well... This isn't a tape. It's got something else inside.
*He pulls out a picture*

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