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Chapter 7:

Jinae slowly stirred from her slumber, her head throbbing with a dull ache

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Jinae slowly stirred from her slumber, her head throbbing with a dull ache. Blinking her eyes open, she found herself in an unfamiliar setting—the VIP lounge of the club. Confusion clouded her mind as she struggled to recall how she ended up here.

Her gaze landed on Jaehyun, who was seated nearby, his expression a mix of relief and concern. Sensing her awakening, he leaned forward, wearing a carefully crafted smile.

"Jinae, you're awake," he said, his voice laced with a hint of relief. "You had a little too much to drink last night, but don't worry, you're safe."

Confusion and anxiety knitted together in Jinae's eyes as she tried to piece together the fragments of her memory. "What happened? Why am I here?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Jaehyun's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "There was a bit of a fight at the club last night, and I found you injured. I couldn't just leave you there, so I brought you here to make sure you were okay."

As Jinae tried to sit up, pain shot through her head, making her wince. Panic began to well up within her, fueled by her fragmented memories and Jaehyun's evasive response. She needed answers, and she needed them now.

"What time is it?" she asked, her voice trembling with urgency.

Jaehyun hesitated for a moment, debating whether to be truthful or not. At that moment, he made a decision, one he hoped would protect her from the harsh reality of his world.

"It's 10 AM," he replied, his voice steady but tinged with guilt.

Jinae's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief crossing her face. She swung her legs over the side of the sofa, struggling to stand despite her splitting headache. Determined to find her way back to the familiarity of her own life, she knew she had to leave.

"I... I need to go home," she stammered, her voice filled with distress. She attempted to steady herself, pushing past the pain and disorientation.

Jaehyun's heart sank as he watched Jinae's resolve to leave, his outstretched hand falling back to his side. He understood her need to distance herself from the chaos surrounding him, but the thought of losing her tore at his heart.

"Jinae, please. Let me take you home," he pleaded, his voice filled with genuine concern.

But Jinae shook her head, her eyes filled with determination and a hint of fear. "No, Jaehyun. I need some space. I need to figure things out on my own. Everything's been messy ever since I met you, taking me home wouldn't change a thing."

With that, she began to walk away, her steps unsteady but resolute. Jaehyun's gaze followed her, a mix of disheartenment and hurt etched on his face.

As Jinae disappeared into the distance, Jaehyun was left standing there, alone in the wake of her departure. He knew he had made a difficult choice, to lie and protect her from the truth, but it pained him to see her leave with such distress.

His resolve hardened as he watched her figure fade into the distance. He wouldn't give up on her. No matter the obstacles, he would fight for her love and find a way to bridge the gap between their worlds.


Jinae arrived home with a heavy heart, her head still pounding from the events of the night. As she stepped through the front door, she was greeted by an oppressive atmosphere. Her parents, usually consumed by their own vices, were caught in the clutches of anger and disappointment.

Her mother's eyes blazed with fury, her voice laced with venom as she spat, "Where the hell have you been, Jinae? We don't need your trouble in this house!"

Jinae's father, a man lost in his own addictions, stumbled nearby, his words slurred and filled with resentment. "You're always causing problems. Can't you see the mess you've made of our lives?"

Tears welled up in Jinae's eyes as she faced the onslaught of their verbal abuse. The weight of their anger and neglect bore down on her, suffocating any remnants of self-worth she had left.

Her mother's anger escalated, and without warning, her fists came crashing down upon Jinae, leaving bruises and welts as a cruel reminder of her own pain and suffering.

Jinae's spirit crumbled as she retreated into a corner, her body trembling with fear and sorrow. The harsh reality of her situation hit her like a cruel blow, and she knew she had to escape the toxic environment.

With a sense of helplessness, Jinae's thoughts turned to Jaehyun, the one person who had shown her kindness amidst the chaos. She yearned for his support, a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak existence.

Her mother's rant continued each word a dagger to her already wounded soul. But amidst the abuse, a small voice inside Jinae urged her to stand up for herself, to demand better treatment.

Summoning every ounce of courage, Jinae managed to gather herself and look her parents in the eyes. "I won't tolerate this anymore," she said, her voice quivering but filled with determination. "I deserve to be treated with respect and love."

Her words hung in the air, but her parents' expressions remained unchanged, their indifference a stark reminder of the emotional void that engulfed them.

With a heavy heart, Jinae made a decision — to take control of her own life, even if it meant enduring the consequences. She knew that escape wasn't an immediate option, but she could assert her independence within the confines of their home.

Her parents, seeing the spark of rebellion in her eyes, reacted by grounding her and restricting her from leaving the house. They hoped to break her spirit, to keep her under their control.

In her room, Jinae's emotions swirled like a tempest, but she refused to be defeated. She would bide her time, strategically planning her path to freedom. The grounding, though stifling, would not extinguish the fire that burned within her.

As days turned into weeks, Jinae endured the isolation of her confinement. Yet Jaehyun was still the main thing on her mind even after the hurtful things she said...

 Yet Jaehyun was still the main thing on her mind even after the hurtful things she said

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