Chapter 45: The Visit

Start from the beginning

I know he wanted more but I was not done talking as I smiled at him.

"You're a good person right from the onset when you saved me from drowning... I know you tried to tell yourself otherwise or show the world who you are not but your real self cannot stay hidden for life and I'm proud of what you did for the children" I pecked him on his hair..." They'll never forget the name Stefano Achilles Alcantara" I clasped his flawless handsome face together with my palms...

"Tomorrow, we're going to see them" I said firmly leaving no room for interjection as I shut him up with the best possible way by locking his lips with mine.

He didn't hesitate before kissing me passionately with equal intensity.

The following day...

We took the beautiful Ferrari in which my eyes won't stop to stare at its beauty to the orphanage home.

He didn't tell me he named it Achilles...Achilles orphanage home.

My heart warm at the revelation. It was a beautiful name.

"Are you Mr. Stefano Alcantara?" A little girl around four years of age approached us just at the entrance of the building as Stefano picked her up from her feet to prevent her from stumbling over. She was so little and adorable.

He smiled at her and asked " what's your name?"

"Trisha" she spoke softly...

And before he could reply...

"Uncle" a boy ran from the opposite end to Stefano as his eyes lightened up in a smile...that must be the boy he saved four years ago. He embraced him tightly.

"I thought I'll never see you again" the boy said solemnly as his eyes welled up in tears.... That was emotional for me too...

"Why won't I?" He giggled at the boy..."Men don't cry you know" he said playfully at him before others ran to our side and each beckoning over Stefano. It was a really beautiful moment.

"We're so graced at your presence Mr. Alcantara...the children has been wanting to see you for so long" A woman in a nun attire said as she came to our side... Stefano just returned her the smile instead of speaking a word before her eyes darted at me.

"Meet my Fiancee...Bianca Bennett..." He said leaving me to gulp on my saliva...Fiancee?

"'re so beautiful... I'm Teresa Olak" she said smiling brightly at me and I did the same "Nice to meet you".

"Uncle can I show you my art work?" The little boy interrupted.

"Sure Anton...lead the Way" he said as they took his hands to the room with me following afterward.

"I love your hair" a cute little girl interjected from the side peeking at me.

I smiled adorably at her..." I love yours too" I said playing with her blonde hair lightly before she took my hands giving me a warm feeling and leading us to where Stefano and the remaining children headed to.

Getting inside the room. My heart melted and I'm sure Stefano felt the same at the mirror image of himself on a big white board. The sketch was so perfect.

"You did this Anton?" Stefano asked softly probably not believing his eyes.
He nodded his head.

"He drew it and showed us all to always remember your face no matter where we are" another cute boy answered.

I smiled widely. This was a beautiful moment to remember.

Stefano took his hands in his and said " what will you like to be in the future?" He looked at the boy in a loving way like a father will do and I'm sure he'll be a great one.

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