Chapter One - My Sunshine

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I was walking to the doctor's office's doors. I had my phone in my Kate Spade tote and I was wearing a blue romper one-peice jumpsuit.

10 minutes later...

"Megan Olivia Deyes, Doctor Moreno is waiting for you."

I walked in the white high-tech ultrasound room. I payed down and set my purse on the ground.

They turned off the lights and turned on the machine. They set the wand on top of my belly and started to move it around.

"Is that the baby's heartbeat?" I asked shyly.

"No mama that's yours", Paola laughed.

I looked at the machine to see a tiny dot. It was perfect. I felt that feeling I haven't felt in a long time, love. Unconditional love.

She turned off the machine and printed some pictures of the baby for me.

Once at home...

I stayed sitting on my office chair in my quant and cute 2 bedroom townhouse. I tapped my fingers on the desk anxiously.


-Hayes is face timing you-


Hayes: Helloooo

I was flustered and didn't know what to say or do. I got the pictures of the baby and held them up to the camera.

Hayes: Aw, that's the old picture of Axel right? The baby Gabi just had? That's when Gabi took her first ultrasound.

Megan: It's not Gabi's baby.

Hayes got serious and confused.

Hayes: Is that recent?

Megan: Yup.

Hayes: Who's pregnant.

After a minute of silence I spoke up holding in my tears.

Megan: Me.

Hayes stayed quiet and started to tear up. He look really sad.

Megan: I haven't been with a guy in years. Your the father.

Hayes looked scared but happy. He was shocked.

Hayes: Oh my God that's amazing. I'm going to catch the earliest flight to Orlando.

(I moved from Miami to Orlando)

Maybe this pregnancy was for the better.

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