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Alora Flowers sat on a stool behind the counter, playing a game on her phone. She had been waiting for Leo to come pick her up for the end of her shift, and he was thirty minutes late.

When Leo walked into the store, Alora quickly got off the stool before crossing her arms in front of her chest. She looked Leo up and down with an annoyed expression.

"Sorry I'm late." Leo said with a small smile as he kissed Alora on the lips.

Leo wore a yellow sweater with blue jean pants and his hair was tucked out of his face. Alora watched as Leo handed her a bouquet of pink roses before taking a step back.

"You bought these for me?" Alora asked as she gripped onto the roses with a wide smile.

"Yes, I saw them on the way here." Leo said placing his hands behind his back.

Alora grabbed onto to Leo before pulling him into a hug. She then kissed him on the lips with a smile across her face.

"Thank you so much babe, I was thinking we could-"

"Leo are you almost done?" Alora looked behind Leo to see a girl with brown hair and brown eyes standing beside the door.

"Who is this?" Alora asked as she backed away from Leo.

"This is Caddie, my mom wanted me to pick her up so-"

"So, this is why you were late? To pick her up?" Alora said as she glared at the girl who was standing there still.

"Babe it's not like that, she was closer, so I figured I'd pick her up first." Leo said stepping closer to Alora who backed away from him.

Alora clenched her jaw before going back behind the counter. She grabbed her things before stuffing them in her bag.

"Are you mad?" Leo whispered as he stood behind Alora.

Alora didn't say anything as she pushed past Leo. She quickly made her way outside before walking out into the street, not caring if she was hit or not. She felt frustrated and neglected.

"Alora, wait!" Alora heard Leo shout as Alora walked down street with her bag gripped firmly in her hands.

"Alora!" Leo yelled as he grabbed onto Alora making her turn to him.

"Let me go." Alora said in a flat tone.

"Baby please, I'm sorry that I upset you, can I just explain myself before you ignore me?" Leo plead as he gripped onto Alora's hands.

"Leo, you don't understand, I love you so much, and you, I feel like you don't feel the same. I would never disrespect you and bring a guy at your work place the way you did-"

"And I'm sorry for that babe, my mom asked me to pick her up, I was going to drop her off after picking you up because I was already late, please don't be mad at me." Leo pleaded as tears rolled down his face.

Alora hated seeing Leo crying, she quickly pulled him in before stroking his head.

"Don't cry my love, I'm not mad." Alora said as she held Leo up who was now crying in her arms.

"Please don't hate me, Alora." Leo whispered as he placed his head in Alora's shoulder.

"I don't, I promise, let's go back across the street." Alora said as she kissed Leo on the forehead.

Leo nodded as he moved away from Alora, tears dripping down his face which Alora wiped away. She hated seeing her future husband crying.

Alora sat beside Leo in the passenger seat watching him drive. The girl, name Caddie sat in the back, leaned forward where half her body was in the front.

"So, Leo Where are you taking me?" Caddie asked as she placed her hand on Leo's shoulder.

"Get your fucking hands, off my man." Alora said as she grabbed Caddie's hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Ow, you're hurting me!" Caddie screamed as she moved her hand from Alora's grip.

"Babe calm down." Leo said stopping at a stop sign.

"Calm down? You're going to let her put her hands on you in front of me?" Alora said getting more upset.

"Babe no, I just think you should calm down." Leo said turning to Alora.

"I won't! Do you even love me Leo? Is something going on between you and this whore?!" Alora yelled as she took her seat belt off.

"What? -"

Alora grabbed her pocketknife out of her bra before turning to Caddie.

"Alora what are you doing-?"

Alora got in the back before stabbing at Caddie with anger in her eyes. She hated that Leo was giving her attention, allowing her to touch him without even saying anything.

Alora could hear Leo screaming for her to stop but she didn't want to until she knew Caddie was dead. She didn't want anyone looking at Leo the way she did.

"Oh my god, oh my fucking god Alora, you killed her! You fucking killed her!" Leo screamed over and over again as Alora cleaned the blood off her knife with her shirt.

"Just shut up and drive into the woods Leo, we need to burn her body." Alora said as she got back in the front seat.


"Leo, drive the fucking car." Alora said as she placed the knife to Leo's neck making him grow silent.

She didn't like threatening her boyfriend, but she had to do what she had to do.

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