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Alora Flowers woke up on a Sunday morning, taking a hot shower before getting out and hydrating her face. She brushed her teeth and placed her curly hair into a low bun.

She then walked over to her closet before retrieving a white sun that contained violet small flowers on them. She wanted to look her best for the date and smell good too. She sprayed some perfume on herself before grabbing some heels out of her closet. She looked in her mirror before placing some brown lipstick on her lips before adding gloss over them.

"I'm heading out dad, want me to call you when I get to the park?" Alora asked as she blocked the TV from her dad.

"No need, move away from the TV." Her dad said as he took a sip of his beer.

Alora felt herself becoming heated as she watched her dad ignore her. 

"Fuck you and this fucking TV." Alora said turning to the TV before pushing it off the wooden table.

"What the fuck Alora? What's wrong with you?" Her dad said throwing his beer at Alora before standing up off of the couch.

Alora pushed her dad down as he stumbled towards her. She watched as he fell on the floor. Alora grabbed her house keys and left the house. Alora then made her way to the park where her and Leo decided on.

The park was full of kids and parents who ran after them on the jungle gym. Alora grabbed her bag of food that contained different types of sandwiches since she didn't know what Leo liked. She also had varieties of fruits and a bottle of sparkling grapefruit.

Alora walked to a tree that was clear on site so Leo could see her. She laid a pink blanket down on the grass before pulling the food out of her bag.

The shade of the tree covered the burning sun that had shined down on them. When Alora was done, she texted Leo saying she was waiting underneath a tree.

Seconds later Aaliyah seen Leo getting out of a black truck before going to the back of the truck. Alora watched as he opened the doors before walking up to her.

Alora stood up from the ground before smiling. He smiled back at her as he stood in front of her.

"Hi." Alora said her smiling growing wider.

"Hi." Leo said as he looked into Alora's eyes which made her heartbeat.

"Let's see, I've brought tons of food." Alora said grabbing Leo's hand before pulling him down on the ground.

Alora watched as Leo looked at all the food before giving her a shaky smile.

"Do you not like anything here? I wasn't sure what you liked so I just brought what I could." Alora asked as she placed a strawberry in her mouth.

"No, I just...I'm just not that hungry." Leo said clawing at his pants.

"Oh...well I'm up to ear, what did you bring?" Alora asked as she dug through Leo's bag. She pulled out some crackers and cheese before grabbing some chocolate covered donuts.

"I love these donuts, are you don't wanna eat? I don't wanna seem like a fat ass by eating all the food." Alora asked as she started stuffing her mouth donuts.

"I'm good, I ate before I came." Alora nodded as she got comfortable on the blanket.

"So have you always worked at the grocery store?" Alora asked as she looked Leo in his light brown eyes.

"No, I used to work at this car wash, and before that I worked at the movies."  Leo said as he played with his hands.

"Where do you work?" Leo asked before getting a bit closer to Alora which she happened to notice.

"I work as a cashier at the corner store, its not too far from my house." Alora said grabbing Leo's hand. His hands were big and sweaty.

"That's cool." Leo said looking at the two hands.

Alora and Leo spent the rest of the morning getting to know each other. Alora ate all her food before putting the remains back in the bag.

"When do you wanna meet again? We can just hang out anywhere if you like." Alora said as she fo,ded up her blanket.

"Maybe, tomorrow, after I get off of work if you're free." 

"Okay I'm free, where do you wanna go?" The truth was Alora had worked all day yesterday, but she didn't want to miss an opportunity to spend time with her future husband.

"We can go bike riding here if you want." Leo said moving around awkarwardly.

"Okay, I had a good time today." Alora said connecting the two hands for the third time together.

"I-I did too. I can't wait to see you again tomorrow." Leo said leaning down to Alora. He then kissed her on her lips before standing back at his height.

Aora looked at Leo with wide eyes, stunned that he had kissed her, but it wasn't just peace on the cheek, it was a kiss on the lips.

That kiss had made Alora Flowers suddenly realize that she was in love with Leo Pierce, and she would do anything for him. She never wanted to let him go or let anyone near him. This was her true love, the love was waiting for.

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