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                                                                                          LEO PIERCE

Leo Pierce stood on his knees in front of the toilet, sticking his fingers down his throat. He had just finished eating a cheese pizza and he couldn't help but to make himself throw it back up.

Leo suffered with bulimia nervosa. It started when he was the age of twelve. He hated the way his body looked and people reminding him of how fat he was made him hate his body even more.

After Leo was done, he stood up from the toilet before wiping his face. He grabbed his backpack off the floor before leaving the stall. 

Leo stood in front of the sink before he started to cry. He wanted the day to be done so he could go home and hide from the world. But it was only lunch time and Leo had a couple more hours of school.

Leo quickly washed his face, trying to get the redness from his eyes. He then walked out of the boy's bathroom before he felt himself being shoved to the ground.

"We're you crying in there Pierce? I thought I heard some whimpering." Leo winced as he stood up off the floor, he then took off in a sprint down the hall and upstairs.

The boy followed him, pushing everyone that was in his way. He was desperate to catch up to Leo and beat him until he turned black and blue.

The truth was the boy that bullied him every day loved Leo. He loved his body, his voice, the way he moved. The boy would never admit to him being gay, and he had no intention in telling anyone about it.

Leo turned the corner as he made his way through the crowd of people who stood in the halls talking and on their phones. He then opened an unlocked door before slamming it shut. He watched as the boy ran past the door allowing Leo to take a breath.

Leo opened the door before heading downstairs. He decided that he didn't want to be there anymore and left the school.

As he walked home, he started to cry once more. He felt like today was getting worse by the second. He wanted to kill himself and let it be over. Leo hadn't taken his Antidepressants and he had no intentions to.

When he walked through the door to his house, he placed his keys in his pockets before shutting the door.

"Leo? What are you doing here? It's not even three yet." His dad asked as he looked at Leo from the couch.

Leo ignored his dad as he walked down the hall to his room. As Leo was about to close his room door, his dad grabbed onto the knob before allowing himself in the room.

"Leo, do you wanna talk about it? I know you been struggling lately but I need you to communicate to me." His dad said looking his son in the eyes.

"I don't feel like talking. Can you just go so I can change." Leo asked as he looked at the gray carpet that was placed in the middle of the room.

"I'll give your therapist a call." His dad said as he made his way out of the room.

Leo sighed as he kicked his shoes off before taking his pants and shirt off. He quickly changed into some sweats and a hoodie not wanting to look at his body for long. He then laid across his bed before closing his eyes.

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