Start from the beginning

ZACK- L-Lunch?

ROHAN- I realised that you would be hungry in school because you don't have lunch. Now come up fast before the lunch break ends.

*Zack looked here and there to check if there is someone nearby. And then, he stored his energy in his legs and then jumped to the roof. And then Zack and Rohan sat on the boundary. *

ROHAN- (opens the lunch box) Look, I made this for us.

ZACK- (delighted) Wow, it's Matsutake Meat rolls and Cold Noodles.

ROHAN- I know it's a kinda weird combination......

ZACK- (interrupting) No, it looks really good.

ROHAN- Haha, now tell me how it tastes.

*Zack took the chopsticks and ate a piece of roll. *

ZACK- (surprised) Wow, it's really good!!!

ROHAN- Really? (he ate a piece) Omg, it's perfect today!!!

ASAHI- What do you mean by today?

ROHAN- I was trying this recipe for the past 15 days. I was making good but never got that authentic taste. I am impressed by myself today!!

*Both ate lunch happily and after lunch, they talked for a bit. *

ZACK- Thank you, Rohan.

ROHAN- Oh, it's fine.

ZACK- From where you learned cooking?

ROHAN- I use to part-time in a restaurant. From there, I learned many recipes and other things. But I had to leave because the owner closed the restaurant temporarily due to his wife's death.

ZACK- Oh, that's sad.

*Suddenly, Zack and Rohan both heard a voice screaming. It was Hanshi and was crying hard. *

ROHAN- Who's crying?

ZACK- Hanshi, a student in Class 2-3. Lemme hear them.


HANSHI- How? Why? When?!

TEACHER- Hanshi, you shouldn't hear this.

HANSHI- Who kidnapped my mom!!! Why!!!!!!!!! (fell to the ground)

TEACHER- Hanshi, control yourself!!!


ZACK- Oh no, he also lost his mother.

ROHAN- One more?

ZACK- What do you mean by one more?

ROHAN- Zack, there's been a weird case in the city for the past 2-3 months. Many women and young teenage girls are going missing. Weirdly, none of them has been found.

ZACK- (suddenly reminds him of Zep) I gotta be careful about Zep.

ROHAN- Who's Zep?

ZACK- My girlfriend.

ROHAN- Oh wow, you have a girlfriend. I am now jealous of you.

ZACK- Hehe.

ROHAN- Nevermind, I just.....

*Before Rohan could speak further, he sensed a threat. *

ROHAN- Zack, jump when I say.

ZACK- What happened?

ROHAN- Just do what I say.

*Both started storing energy in his legs. Rohan was waiting for the right time and then...*

ROHAN- Now!!

*Both jumped high. The school roof broke and got demolished within a second. They both saw a demon there. Zack got astonished after looking demon's appearance. Both landed on the left-over roof. *

ZACK- Another Ghoul?

ROHAN- No. it's not a ghoul. It's an Okiku.

ZACK- How it can be? I have heard that Okiku kills men who got betrayed by their husbands. But she's carrying a girl with her.

ROHAN- You're right. But the demon's appearance is very similar to an Okiku.

ZACK- What does that mean?

ROHAN- It means, she became an Okiku, but now his ideology and motive have been changed.

OKIKU- AHAHA!!! 2 more demons here!! Are you also here for the hunt?

ROHAN- Bruh, we don't kill innocent people.

OKIKU- They are not innocent!!! They are the dust of this world, which is to be cleaned by someone!!! And I am that someone!!

ZACK- Did you.... parents also?

ROHAN- No. I saw your parent's dead bodies. They are killed by any other demon. Not her.

ZACK- And why she's not burning? I heard that demons burn in the day.

ROHAN- She's a hybrid!! Like us. And hybrids can live in sunlight for a long time.

OKIKU- Enough talking!! Don't interrupt now!!!

ROHAN- Uh, she has the guts.

*Zack jumped and rushed to punch him. But then, she produced a powerful screech which failed Zack's attack and got kicked by Okiku. Rohan rushed and catches Zack. *

ZACK- What was that!!!!!!!!!

ROHAN- These demons have the power to produce powerful screeches which make people suicide. And if they don't, then she produced a more powerful screech, by which a person's brain gets exploded.

ZACK- Holy shit!!!

OKIKU- Better you leave. I don't wanna kill any demon.

ZACK- Never!!

*Okiku and Zack suddenly notice Rohan's disappearance. *

OKIKU- Huh!! Where's the other guy?!

*Rohan came from behind and smashed her face on the floor. The girl got fell off the building. Zack jumped and reached the girl. Then used his blood arm and pulled himself to the ground. *

ZACK- Run fast!!

*Soon the whole school got emptied. Okiku took Rohan by his neck and keep jumping over the buildings and smashing him on the walls. Zack rushed behind her. And finally threw Rohan into a mall. Rohan's stomach got a hole from a sharp point of a statue and blood started leaking like a fountain. He got smeared by blood all over him. When Okiku came to attack again, Zack came with his blood arm and punched Okiku's face. She flew to a showroom. *

ZACK- (angrily) Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop it you f**king piece of sh*tty demon!!!!!!

*His eyes got black with red eyeballs again. Nerves were bulging out all over the body and 4 blood arms were out of his back. *

*Okiku came back with a powerful screech. Zack dodged him with his blood arms, but his blood arms got sliced. He regenerated within a minute and then he got more raged. Then he keeps dodging her attacks and keeps attacking her. He almost knocked out the Okiku, and when he was almost near to knocking her, suddenly he heard Zep calling him. *

ZEP- Zack!!!!!!!!!

ZACK- Zep?

*In the meantime, Okiku screeched again and Zack failed to knock her. He got smashed into the same statue. Asahi tried to wake up, but he got out of blood, and need blood to regenerate. And then he saw Okiku with Asahi on her shoulder. *

ZACK- Zep!!!!!!

OKIKU- Haha, you know this beautiful young lady closely. It will be fun to feast on her. I am sorry, you won't be able to see her dead.

ZACK- No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*And then Okiku jumped and escaped the mall. *

ZACK- Zep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REINCARNATED AS A DEMONWhere stories live. Discover now