✙ Chapter 6 ✙

Start from the beginning

"But, you want me to see your worst memories?"

"I want you to accept me," he breathed, closing his eyes. "All parts of me." I glanced around, nervously. "Give me your hand, Thea."

"I-I don't think this a good idea."

"Probably not," he agreed, "But, it'll be okay." He extended one of his hands, placing it upwards on his thigh. Was I seriously going to do this? Go into the mind of a werewolf? In fact, why did it matter if I accepted him? Knowing I was more likely going to get answers by witnessing his memories, I placed my hand in his, startled by the sparks. His fingers tightened around mine, slightly squeezing. Next thing I knew, I found myself growing tired. "Trust me, Thea."

With that, I was shoved into the first memory.

I found myself standing in a forest, one containing scrawnier trees, their branches tangled together above. Sunlight was streaming down in patches, stretching across the dirty ground. I recognized Ethen, lingering the farthest away, his black hair much longer and his physique not quite as large. Concern and regret was written across his face. His emerald eyes flickered towards the two other men who looked almost exactly like him. The dark hair, emerald eyes, harsh features - the oldest was rubbing his jaw while the other was picking at the dry blood on his hands.

"I can't believe you killed father, brother," Ethen hissed, glaring over at the one with blood on his hands. "You ruined our family!"

"He deserved it," his brother growled back, eyes narrowed. "He was beating us around, including mother."

The oldest stepped forward. "Ryker, it wasn't necessary to kill him! He's our blood!"

The brother, Ryker, scowled. "He was never our blood! We weren't a family, either - not with him in the picture!" Ethen exchanged looks with his oldest brother, appearing torn. "I was tired of him a-and to keep our family together and safe, I did what had to be done, Caine."

Caine pointed an accusing finger. "You took advantage of our new power." Ryker huffed, clearly not caring. "Spilling the blood of your family has to have some effect on you, brother."

"I don't care!" Ryker shouted, nostrils flaring. "If spilling father's blood has consequences, so be it! It's too late now!" He gestured towards the ground where there was a sloppy grave, one that contained their father's body. Ethen started pacing back and forth while Caine exhaled loudly, not understanding how to get through to his brother. "We all know that I did our family a favor. Neither of you had the guts to kill him."

"It could have been handled a different way," Ethen argued, tossing his hands into the air. "Despite his cruelty, he was still our father!"

"He was a bad person!" Ryker blurted, angrily.

"Really? Look at your position," Caine retorted, looking at Ryker's hands. "Your the one will blood on your hands, brother. If father was a bad person for giving us some marks, then you must be a monster for committing murder. In fact, you're worse than him!" Ryker snarled and stepped forward, his hands clenching into fists at his side. In fear, Ethen moved between his brothers, shaking his head.

"Please, stop arguing," Ethen begged, tiredly. "It's done with."

"This is a huge deal, Ethen," Caine said, glaring at his brother. "This isn't one of those situations where we forget it ever happened."

Ryker rolled his eyes. "Yeah, because you refuse to accept that I did us a favor. I saved our family; I saved us. I saved mother." He stepped backwards, looking at his brothers in disappointment. "I thought you would understand."

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