Adrian stay quite.

"Where you're going? The door is here " adrian said.

Mishaliya, pick a phone.

Mishi : for a person like lila, *show phone to adrian* we need some proves and evidence *wink* and.... Don't worry, I'll come back with lila suspended from school for some weeks.

Saying this mishaliya went outside the class.

Mari : where are you going?

Mishi : lila again and rest ask adrian about it.

Mishaliya smile at alya, nino and mari and went towards laila standing there smirking.

As mishaliya went near laila, laila scream and act like falling as mishi grab her arm tightly .

Just then principal came outside his office.

Principal : what happened?

Before laila could speak mishaliya spoke.

Mishi : sir, she was about to fall cause she can't handle my beauty and luckly I grab her ark saving her from falling, thank me or else she could be in her hospital room with her broken leg.

Principal : oh that's good, both of you come inside.

Mishaliya turned towards laila , and yank her hand,

Mishi : your stupid ideas, won't work on me, miss lier.

Saying this mishi enter the office leaving laila fumming in anger.

In office.

Laila : sir, she was shouting at me, and she even hit me, and grew some rubbish word against my character.

Laila joked I mean lie as principal looked at mishi who was standing unbothered.

Principal : m-
Mishi : before you say any word against me, look through this video as a prove. *take out the phone, play the video and give to principal *

Laila was shocked.

Video plays

Mishi and adrian was talking just then, laila comes and grab mishi by her collar as she shout at mishi. Soon teacher come and blah blah

(a.n : whole situation is up, you read through it, and if forgot read again, not being rude duh, and am super lazy also)

Laila : sir, this is  a lie, she is plotting against me.

Mishi : sir, videos don't lie and about she speaking it's a plot, I have a living prove also, am I allowed to call him?

Principal nodded.

Mishi walk out of the room, after taking her phone from principal's hand and run towards her class.

The teacher was teaching the class lesson.

Mishi : excuse me ma'am? , ma'am can I talk.

The teacher nodded.

Mishaliya lovingly I mean turn towards adrian and smile.

Grab his hand.

(Reader right now : *in their heart* ❤❤❤❤❤❤💖💝💖💞💞💞💞)

Mishi : can you come, *turn towards the teacher* ma'am can I take him? .

Teacher : yes but why, is there any issue?

Mishi : ma'am again that mf, sorry I mean principal is calling him for some reason.

Teacher nodded as mishi drag adrian out of his seat, classroom and run towards the office.

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