🎸4~ The drive home

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No Pov
After the two boys finished Stargazing, Stan and Kyle started driving home from the party, with Kyle behind the wheel and Stan visibly drunk. Despite Kyle's remarks and attempts to take the wheel, Stan refused to lose control.

His words slurred and his movements uncoordinated, Stan attempted to navigate the car, weaving dangerously in and out of lanes. Kyle, on the other hand, was alert and aware of the risks of driving under the influence, making sure to drive defensively and stay focused.

The scene was tense, with Kyle doing his best to keep them safe on the road, while Stan continued to act recklessly, endangering them both. However, Kyle knew that Stan was out of his mind, so he told him to rest. When they got home, Kyle carried him to bed, pecking a kiss on his cheek and laying down next to him.

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