Chapter Sixteen

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   "Jane! Get over here!" This startles me out of my moment. I look over at everyone. They're all running out of the water. That's when I see the light flashing across the beach.

"Oh, shit," I say, and start running back to the shore. This is supposed to be a bad thing. We could get into so much trouble for being out here, wasted. But I feel so exhilarated.

Everyone grabs their clothes, and makes a run for the trees.

I'm last to gather my things. It really doesn't help that I threw all of my clothes in different places.

Max stays back to help me, and picks up my bra, out of all things. He takes my hand, and pulls me behind the beach sign. My heart is beating so fast, and I'm smiling so hard right now.

Max notices, and smiles at me. "Why are you all smiley? Usually, you're all brooding."

"Brooding?" I exclaim, and Max's hand flies to cover my mouth. "Brooding?" I mumble against his hand. Max takes it off of my mouth.

"Be a little quieter," he instructs, and peaks out from behind the sign.

"I know you kids are out there!" the guard yells, walking closer, and closer to us.

"Shit," Max mumbles. "Get dressed."

I follow his order, pulling my underwear on, and then my shorts. "Can I get my bra?" I ask awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah," he whispers. Max hands me it, and our hands brush slightly.

Once we're both fully dressed, I turn back to Max. "How are we gonna get out of here?" I look back at the security guard. He's still here? It's been like forever.

Max sighs. "I dunno." He's looking at the security guard. "Crap," he says. "He's coming toward us."

Now I'm scared. "I can't get in trouble. My mom will kill me. And it'll go on my record!" I whisper frantically.

Max's hand touches my hand that I hadn't realised was balled up in fright. "I won't let you, okay?"

"Are you even drunk?" I ask.

"A little," he answers, and guides me around the other side of the sign.

"What's the game plan?" I ask.

He looks back at me, and smirks. "Run." And then Max pulls me by my hand, and we run like hell on the path.

"Hey!" the guard yells, running after us, his flashlight pointed at Max, and I.

I look back, and give him the finger. Max notices, and does the same.

We don't stop running until we're safely back in town. The others meet us at Heeley Street, which is about three minutes away from Laurie's house.

"Holy, shit," Laurie laughs. "That was insane."

"I know, right!" I say. "I don't think I've ever felt more alive," I admit.

"You two created the best distraction for us," Pat tells us. "Old man Pugley would not let you guys go. It's probably the most excitement he's had in his whole career."

"Yeah, I made a game plan," Max says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Do you want to know what it was?" I ask Pat.

He responds eagerly. "Duh!"

"Run!" Max, and I say in unison, laughing.

Pat rolls his eyes. "Come on. I thought you had a whole operation. Like Ocean's 11."

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