Unexpected Resistance: Part 1

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"Okay... So run this by me one more time?" Eda asked, making Lilith moan in annoyance.

She had spent the last two hours after waking Eda up trying to explain what her findings meant.

"Edalyn, the Owl Beast curse that was placed on you... And then me once we shared the burden... Can possibly be removed for good if this scroll is to be believed." Lilith explained.

"Hoot! Which would mean Lulu wouldn't have to make more tonic, and can instead spend that time with me!" Hooty proclaimed from behind Lilith.

Eda blinked in surprise, "Wait, seriously?" she asked.

Lilith nodded, "Yes! We found it while searching in the forbidden... Well, now bidden sections at the library." she replied. "But that's besides the point, the main thing is we can possibly remove the Owl Beast from both you AND me!"

"Huh..." Was all Eda could say in response.

She had never thought there truly would be a way to actually remove the curse. Eda had pretty much accepted the fact (and she thought Lilith had too) that the Owl Beast was going to be a part of them forever.

"So, you're SURE this is legit and not like some misinformation, right?" Eda asked while itching her cheek with her hook (Titan, it made such a good scratcher).

"It was really buried in the forbidden section... I have my reasons to believe this very well could be true info." Lilith replied.

"Well, spill then! What sort of ritual do we have to do to break this damn curse?!" Eda exclaimed.

"That's the thing... There is no ritual specified in the scrolls." Lilith explained, "It only details WHERE we can possibly find more history concerning the Owl Beast."

Eda groaned, "Seriously?!" she complained, "You woke me up at five in the morning just to tell me that?!"

"Oh, pardon me for thinking it was rather important!" Lilith huffed., crossing her arms.

Eda shook her head in slight irritation, "Where does the scroll even tell us to go? The Knee? Eclipse Lake?" she questioned, giving possible guesses.

Lilith and Hooty chuckled a bit, "Oh no... It's not in the Isles. The scroll details that the Owl Beast once roamed on an island far off the shores. This island is situated on a Titan's hand bone-"

"THE FUCKING TITAN TRAPPERS?!" Eda exclaimed, taking Lilith aback before she regained her composure.

"Yes, I've theorized that they live on the same island this scroll details..." Lilith sighed, gesturing at the open scroll on her desk.

"Nope, not happening and not worth it. I don't even wanna SEE those pricks." Eda waved her off, beginning to leave the study.

"Edalyn, come on! We're not even going to interact with them... This isn't ABOUT them, it's about finding out more on our curse! Even if there isn't a way to break it, we may discover a way to control it better!" Lilith reasoned, trying to convince her hesitant sister.

Eda had a good reason to be hesitant. She knew how close the Titan Trappers had gotten to killing King. It was on her bucket list to somehow make it to that island and return the favor. But at the moment, with all the stress of being part of the new Titan Coven, she didn't have time to think about revenge at the moment.

But nonetheless, Eda relented with a small groan.

"Ugh, fine..." Eda sighed, "When were you even thinking about going?".

Lilith tossed Eda the scroll, "Seeing as you're awake now, I was thinking... Now." Lilith answered.

"Wha- Now?!" Eda exclaimed, holding the scroll in surprise, "Also, having Hooty drag me out of bed doesn't count as 'awake' in my book."

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