Settling back in

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Three days had passed since the Collector left for the stars. Luz, King and Eda (along with some help from their family and friends) had managed to find most of the stolen furniture, and returned it to it's rightful place in the Owl House. All that was missing was one thing... And Eda was getting annoyed.

"WHERE IS THAT STUPID FUCKING COUCH?!" Eda yelled, kicking a stone off the cliff the trio were standing on.

"Maybe it got destroyed? I know a lot of people who enjoy burning couches." King chimed in with his own suggestion on what had happened to the old couch.

"On a more positive note, maybe it was put somewhere besides in another house?" Luz suggested, "Let's try looking somewhere we haven't looked!".

"But WHERE?! We've searched the whole of the Isles twice! Let's face it, we're never finding that couch..." Eda groaned.

"Found it." King deadpanned, looking over the side of the cliff.

The witch and human joined him, and saw that at the bottom of the cliff, was their couch. It was completely spotless, albeit with a leaf or two on it.

"Who in Titan's name wanted to steal my couch just to put it under a cliff?" Eda asked rhetorically.

"Outdoor decorators?" Luz jokingly answered.

"Alright, doesn't matter. Let's just go get it, I really miss my mornings of waking up with horrible hangovers on that thing." Eda remarked. Luz and Eda both pulled out Stringbean and Owlbert respectively, and flew down (King on Luz's back).

They landed near the red couch, and Eda immediately rushed over to it.

"Oh Titan, I've never been so happy to see this freaking couch in my entire life!" She said, flopping onto it with her face planted into the soft cushion.

"Eda, careful not to tear that cushion with your hook!" Luz reminded her.

Eda had approached Alador a couple days ago about getting her a new arm. He had told her that making a mechanical arm would take time, and access to a workshop to even begin making it in. The best he could give her right now until he finished the arm, was a hook hand.

Now, it wasn't a BAD hook, it was made of silver and could pop open Apple Blood bottle caps with ease (a feature Eda favored). But Eda still missed having a total of ten fingers.

"Oh don't worry! I'm being careful. Plus, I'm just happy I finally got this couch back..." Eda remarked, voice muffled by the couch.

"You do know we're gonna have to carry this thing ALL the way back to the Owl House, right?" Luz deadpanned.

"Just, let me have this moment of peace before I have to suffer for hours. Please." Eda said, voice still muffled by the cushion of the couch.

Luz sighed. She wished Amity was also here to help with the couch.

But Luz knew she had other things to attend to today.


Alador had missed his workshop at the manor dearly, all the blueprints and solitude to work on his projects was like a haven to him that he took for granted. But now that he was free from his role as one of the Collector's puppets, he was able to return to it and begin work on machinery that could help the Isles rebuild...

Correction: He WOULD be able to, if a certain ex-wife of his wasn't disallowing him and his children to enter the manor.

She wasn't alone unsurprisingly, two Abomatons were next to her.

"As you can see, this contract states that I am the sole owner of this property..." Odalia explained as she held up a contract; smirking as she turned to her old family, "So get lost".

Owl House: Aftermath in the Boiling IslesWhere stories live. Discover now