A Blade of Red: Part 1

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Note: The events of this chapter take place shortly after the events of Chapter 3.

Kikimora had kept her head low after her defeat at the hands of the Hexside students. For the last few days, she had kept to herself in the forests of the Isles, her only companion being her Abomatron, Roka.

Kikimora had heard word that Belos had finally been killed in the wake of the Titan's reawakening. She had a good idea of who had been a primary factor in his death...

It was one of the few times she would actually admit that human did her a favor. Belos was bent on killing everyone on the Isles (Including her), even if that meant taking them down with him.

As she trudged through the trees, she reached a clearing on a cliff. Kikimora looked out into the distance to see Bonesborough. From the looks of it, construction had begun rather recently, but still had gotten a lot done in such a short time.

The biped demon sighed before moving over to her Abomatron, and accessed a storage unit on the side of the left fist. She pulled out her old disguise she had used back at Hexside. There were a couple tears in the fabric and the wig was ruffled, but it would have to do.

She really needed something in town and couldn't risk being recognized by anyone she wronged.


"Miki" managed to slink past most of the people working on the town construction, and into the pub. She sighed in relief at the familiar scent of Apple Blood in the air. A drink would definitely help after all she'd been through.

"Thank Titan this place survived the Collector's reign." Kikimora remarked as she walked over to the bar, and climbed onto a stool.

"Hey there white hair, what can I get you?" The bartender asked, leaning on the bar counter and glancing at Kikimora.

"One shot of the hardest Apple Blood you got. Leave the bottle." Kikimora answered using her disguised voice, slapping down a few gold snails on the counter.

The bartender nodded before taking the snails, and turning around to get the bottle.

Kikimora began to delve into thought as she was given her first shot glass. What was next for her anyway? She had attempted to gain power at Hexside, that worked for a while... Until the human and her friends got in the way like usual.

Kikimora REALLY wanted to get back at them somehow, but she also wanted power and something to lead... She just didn't know how it was possible. But oh... Did she want them all to pay for-

"Pretty deep in thought there, aren't you?"

Kikimora was brought back to reality by a voice, that she couldn't help but find familiar...

She turned to see a red biped demon, much like herself, sitting next to her. The demon had black hair, goggles, and a dark brown coat with a bandoleer across her chest.

"Frankly, I haven't seen anyone hold that much Apple Blood in one sitting since my days as a rustler in the Palm Stings.." The biped demon remarked, chuckling.

Kikimora then noticed, that she had absentmindedly downed over half the bottle while she was lost in thought.

"Oh... You're from Palm Stings?" Kikimora asked, keeping her voice disguised.

"Yeah, I was raised their for a good portion of my life... Name's Valera." The demon introduced herself.

Kikimora's eyes widened under her goggles. Valera? She knew that name!

"V-Valera?!" Kikimora exclaimed, almost letting her real voice slip out from how taken aback she was.

"Yes... Do I know you?" Valera asked back, feeling as if she also knew her from somewhere.

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