The Deep

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The giant frog had hopped into my dreams for the third time

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The giant frog had hopped into my dreams for the third time. We found ourselves in a dark, spacious cave. Though I sensed people on the opposite side of this chamber, I could not discern their faces. Yet their voices were all too familiar.

"Come to us, Agwé."

Gran! And soon followed the voices of my cousins, aunts, and uncles, beckoning to me. I hurried towards them at once, but paused when an explosion erupted in the chamber high above us. Following which, a flaming boulder was sent careening down towards my family. I shouted for them to move and sprinted forwards desperately, but it was no use. I woke in a sweat the moment before the boulder crushed them all.

"Are you having fun, spirits?" I gasped, still breathless from the incredibly realistic dream. "Is this all just a game to you? Why do you torment me so?"

I didn't want anything to do with these spirits or the visions they induced. What good had they brought me anyways? Let's make a tally, shall we? Not only had they failed to warn my family about the mob, but they had also separated me from my Mama for no good reason, and then promptly led me to a grizzly bear which mauled me within an inch of my life. The icing on the cake was introducing me to a woman I learned to love, only to snatch her away from me forever.

All in all, more trials than anyone should be asked to bear. I was seriously tempted to ignore these spirits completely and go my own way, if not for the words from Mama that flooded my mind in this exact moment. Ringing clear and firm, exactly when I needed them most:

"Above all else, trust in the spirits. They will be your guide. There may come a time when you question their motives, but rest assured they will lead you in the ways that you should go. That much has always been certain to me."

My anger softened as I let that message sink in. Though I may not trust these spirits at all myself, I trusted my Mama unconditionally. There was also Annie May to consider. She wouldn't want me to live with such anger or distrust, and I very much wanted to honor her memory. Therefore, while I didn't understand these spirits or their purpose, I chose to continue heeding their advice, at least for a little longer. Reckon there wasn't much left they could take from me at this point anyways.

With that issue resolved, there was now the matter of figuring out the meaning of my latest vision. Thankfully, it was much simpler this time around. No trains would need to be leapt from, as I happened to be residing in the town of Annesburg, a prominent mining town with no shortage of caves. In order to follow the guidance of these spirits, it seemed I would need to gain access to one.

This proved to be an easy endeavor, as numerous "Help Wanted" signs dotted the soot-lined streets of the town. Following a dirt road that curved up a nearby hill, I soon located the entrance to the mine. An imposing gateway, gaping open into the depths of the world itself. A foreman approached me shortly after my arrival.

"Looking for work, lad?" asked the miner. He was completely covered in dark soot, from his boots to the top of his head. Even nestled in his otherwise graying beard.

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