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(Oki is not present in this scene. This is what is happening while haruhi leaves the room.)

The hallways in this school are also like a maze, ling and annoying. A simple trip that would normally takes  3 minutes takes up to 8 minutes.

It wasn't unusual that the hallways were empty when there was not a host club event to entertain the guests. After all, if there wasn't a need to stay after school, why would anyone stay.

Haruhi didn't get far into her journey of filling up her metal water bottle, she perhaps got 2 minutes away from the music room #3 when she felt she was being watch.

Haruhi looks around, making sure that it wasn't just her mind playing tricks on her.

A male voice, that didn't belong to any of the host club members says "you looking for me... Princess"

Haruhi looks at the direction where the voice was coming from. Her brain didn't comprehend that he just called her Princess.  A tall man with dirty blonde hair, standing around 6'6 appears from what seems like the shadows.

Haruhi says "I was looking for whoever was giving me the heebie-jeebies.... Now who are you?"

The tall man says "how rude of me. The name is Masami Nobuyori"

"Wait... I heard that name before. Oki works for your family '' Haruhi mentions. Crippling her water bottle

"Looks like my little house elf did go to the host club and talked with Takashi Morinozuka and Mitsukuni Haninozuka." He smirks, it was like an approval but also smug smirk.

Haruhi wants to say something back to him. Oki wasn't a house elf, she was a person. Haruhi opens her mouth to say something

Masami takes a couple of steps closer to Haruhi. Masami continues saying "you know.... It is nice to officially meet you, Haruhi. After all, we do have a past together.... Let me rephrase that... our parents have a past together"

Haruhi looked confuse. Her parents having a past with the Nobuyori family. It seemed impossible.

Haruhi asks "what do you mean?"

Masami grins, his face being smug, as if he has a piece of black mail against her. Masami then says "you see... long ago, when we were both children and didn't really know about what life was. My father's company got into a bit of a pickle, a lawsuit, if you will. My father knew that he was dealing with extreme heat from the media... so, my father, decided that the best course of action to appeal to the public was to make a decision only a genius fool would make. A decision that could have destroyed his life's work, but this layer didn't let it happen"

Haruhi eyes widen, with a slight stutter she says "h...he hired my mom... didn't he?"

Masami smirk, somewhat impress that she caught on. "You really are smart." He chuckles, his voice echoed through the empty hallways.

Haruhi takes a step back, but she ends up against the wall.

Masami continues talking "it is funny. I remember going with my dad to these meetings with your mother, and she has a picture of a little girl. That looked to be perhaps around the same age as me. My little brain asked your mother what was the little girls name.... And you know what she said" he takes a step closer to haruhi. Not allowing her to escape

Haruhi says, stuttering with her words "ha....haru... haruhi"

Masami smirks and says "so.... You must have imagine that when I heard a student named Haruhi Fujioka was joined the ranks of Ouran... I had to do my own research to see if this was the same Haruhi Fujioka has the picture that I remember seeing.... And surprise, it was the same girl"

Haruhi says, anxious since she can't really escape since he has her in a corner "what are you planning to do with that information..."

Masami gives a mischievous smile, looks down at Haruhi and  caresses her cheek. He says "currently... I wasn't planning on doing anything with this valuable piece of information... after all, I play my cards right. I get favors, so I don't reveal your secrets and destroy everything you have worked for.."

Haruhi is frozen. She is trying to think of someway to deal with this. She knew that if she yell, Masami could easily run away and deny everything.

Haruhi without a second though, gently throws her metal water bottle to the side. Making noise so it echoed through the hallways, hoping the host club can hear her cry of help.

'CLANK' went the waterbottle, now we wait

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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