Chapter 1

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Pacing from wall to wall, a quivering breath escaped my lips. The inner turmoil was overwhelming as thoughts of what I devised spun around in my head like a vinyl on a turntable.

My room, if it could be qualified as such, was a small hidden nook under the staircase. Standing straight was not a possibility and it only took a brief second to scan the entirety of the room. My belongings were nothing but a light and a blanket.

When I was younger I used to occupy the bedroom upstairs. However, my parents decided that it should be vacant for the customers they'd have circling in. At the time I was clueless to what that entailed, thinking it would have no impact on me. Not long after, it was made aware that I was essentially the product for said customers. That was the day I learned that the devil does not live in Hell, but can occupy your own house and live in two forms.

I mulled over my plan once again. When four o'clock hit, Roger would come tumbling up the stairs before hiccuping his insults at me. Roger would show up every Friday like clockwork, intoxicated to the point of no return. For years I've wished his intoxication would be his demise and he'd take a tumble on his way up the stairs. Unfortunately for me, my wishes never came true.

Though it was never in my favour, tonight it was what I was banking on. With the alcohol clouding his judgement he won't be as cognizant to the fact that I'd be more jittery than usual.

The plan was simple. Smash a discarded beer bottle over his head, knee him where the sun doesn't shine and run. My bag was already packed with the few necessities they actually allowed me to have. Though the generosity only went so far meaning some were quite old and worn. Though it wasn't much it was capable of getting me started.

Over the years I've had thousands of plans conjured up on how to escape. But despite the potential gain, the crippling thought of potential failure and making my situation so much worse quickly brought me back down to this hell hole. This was the farthest I've ever gotten with a plan and this time nothing would put my freedom on hold again. I'll take the risk of failure by the shoulders and laugh in its face.

"Hello s-slut." Words slurred out of his mouth as he leaned against the doorway for support. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even sense his presence, resulting in the spike of my heartbeats and my hands being claimed by clamminess.

My mouth remained in a thin line as my eyes darted from his drunken form to the bed. Repeating the steps in my head, I rubbed my hands together in hopes of curving my nerves however with my breaths beginning to come out shallow I worried if I could pull this off.

Steeling myself, I focused back on the plan. Once he situated himself on the bed I would let him have a few moments to reduce suspicion, before grabbing the bottle hidden underneath the pillow and repay him a hit or two.

"What, you don't w-want to t-talk?" A knowing glint formed in his eyes. He knew I wouldn't utter a word in his presence. It was one of the rules.

Don't talk unless you're looking for a punishment. Open that mouth of yours and they can do anything they please as long as they pay for it.

I remember that day so clearly. It was the first day my parents sat me down and told me what was going to happen. The rules and why I must do as they say. That's the day I lost my innocence to Roger. Just the thought of that day could rise bile in my throat and make my body shake with fear.

He laid down on the mattress beckoning me over with a single finger. I eased my way over with shaky steps, calculating his every move. Would he be able to decipher what I was about to do?

I crawled onto his lap as I cringed but I knew if I didn't follow the usual rules he would lash out and my escape would never happen. As I lowered myself closer to him he growled in anticipation. He was always growling and glaring like a damn wolf.

He yanked me down hard onto his fully clothed figure. Snaking his arm around my neck, he forced my face to his as he began trailing rough kisses up my neck. The familiar fear crashed into my head and flowed down to my feet though I tried to retain my composure to avoid any backlash.

Perfect. With him like this he failed to see my hand travel up the sheets and under the pillow. He smiled against my neck as if he thought I was leaning closer to get more action from him. However he was about to be sorely mistaken. I felt the cold glass beneath my skin, forming a fist as I grasped it. It was now or never.

To distract him further I pushed myself closer, despite the feeling of disgust that accompanied it. A low growl emanated from him as his nails dug into my hips, showcasing his satisfaction.

Reacting as quickly as possible, I yanked the bottle from its hiding place along with my top half from his putrid mouth, slamming it into the top of his skull. I expected him to go unconscious like any other normal human being however that didn't seem to be the case here.

Anger overpowered his lust-filled gaze as I began to tremor over him. Shit, this was a mistake. He growled loud and clear, his body radiating with power. Wracking my brain I scoured for any possible solution.

I took a quick glance at the objects around me. As the bedside table came into view my face dropped due to my stupidity. Removing my hand from his wrist I threw open the drawer, a pair of shiny silver handcuffs coming into view. Moving as fast as I could I placed one side on his wrist before attaching the other to the bar above his head, securing him to the headboard.

His eyes widened a fraction as he realized what I did. At least those nasty things had some use for me.

I'm lucky he had alcohol running through his blood stream because if he didn't then there was no way I would even be dreaming about this right now. I hurled myself off his lap, grabbing my packed bag from underneath the bed. "H-how the fuck? You do realize your parents will find you r-right? And they will kill you. That's if t-they get to you first." He hiccupped as he began to pull on the handcuffs, a sly smirk covered his features.

A shudder ran through my spine at what he was implying. I suppressed the thoughts as I diverted my attention to opening the window. I needed to focus on me, nobody else.

He continued to grunt, pulling on the restraints as I stuck my upper torso through the window. The jump was relatively high, however the thought of getting out of here was enough to shake my fears.

As I fell from the windowsill only one thought graced my mind - new beginnings.

Here is chapter 1! I hope you all enjoyed :) So glad our girl is getting away!

Happy reading!
- Amanda

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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