Kay flock: here regardless of the pain

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Now playing I know u by Faye Webster

I stood there as my bf yelled at me again for doing something wrong. "I TOLD U HOW TO DO IT A MILLION TIMES"he said and I looked at him. "I know I didn't mean to drop the bowl"I said shaking a little. Usually he wouldn't yell me but he started comi home late and hardly saying he loved me. It hurt me mentally but I gave him chances.

My best friend Kay would come get me if he got too physical even tho I shouldn't rely on him cause sometimes he isn't there which is 1% of the time.

He kept yelling as my voice shakes. My cry's got quieter cause I was numb I couldn't cry anymore. He stopped yelling and left.

I went to clean my face and change so I can go to dougz since he already wanted me to come but I was 30 minutes late because of Jordan.

My face was a mess but if my hoodie was on u couldn't tell. I got my crocs on and locked my door behind me and left. I ran to my track hawk.

I played my playlist and drove to dougz.

Once I arrived I sighed.

I got out the car and went into the apartment building. I took the stairs to gain me some more time to prepare myself.

I knocked on the door and about two minutes later Cblu opened the door and hugged me once he saw me. "MAMI!"he said and i weirdly looked at him.

He let me in and dougz looked at me examining my face.

Luckily my face dried so I didn't look like the mess I did earlier.

I sat down and closed my eyes letting the air it my tired face.

"Why u so late?"dougz said and I shrugged. "Didnt get much sleep so I took a nap."I lied and he looked at me surprisingly not noticing the lie.

Kay walked in with a smile on his face. "Yoo y/n!"he said hugging me and I hugged him back.

He's the only one who knew about Jordan.

Suddenly after Kay sat by me Jordan walked in he was apart of this little group so he came when ever.

I looked at him and looked away. He looked at and I saw a girl attached to him. I didn't care at all he done put me through so much.

Kay mugged him and moved a little closer to me. For Kay to be the person he is I didn't suspect him to do this.

I picked at my thumb skin causing my self to bleed just a little but it was small so it didn't matter. I tried my best not to cry knowing me being sensitive and I could never stand up for myself.

He shared me a look and cocked his head and smirked. Causing me to flip him off. And my my head on Kay's shoulder.

Kay looked at me and smirked and dougz and Cblu just looked at me nd Jordan back nd forth.

"What's going on..?"dougz said and Jordan shrugged and I shrugged myself and put in my air pods.

I laid my head back as I sat crisscrossed I put my hands between my legs and closed my eyes trying to calm myself as I as shaking a little from stressing.


I'll quiet down if it's what you want
I understand I'm not the only one
For you
So tell me what you're looking for
Is it a picture-perfect girl
For you?
I'm here regardless of the pain
Don't ever tell me to go away
From you
When we're old and have to leave the Earth
I'll still remember all I've learned
From you

I snapped out of it as Kay pulled the AirPod out of my ear and he looked at me. Jordan got up and sat by me grabbing my thigh but the more I let him grab it the tighter his grip got.
Causing me to slap his hand off my thigh.

Kay's head snapped to me and Jordan he examined my face and then my thigh. I looked at him giving him a face to tell him I'm okay and he nodded and looked away.

Jordan looked at me and I gave him a what bitch? Look Kay put his hand on my thigh where Jordan had gripped it and Jordan just looked flabbergasted.

Jordan asked to talk to me outside and I sighed and got up.

When we got outside and inside his car he yelled at me.

"YOUR A WHORE NOTHING LESS NOTHING MORE"he grabbed my wrist and I let the best get control of me.


"THATS OKAY BITCH!"he said and i smirked walking off into the building.

Kay ended up coming to stay with me for a night dougz also came but he was passed out.

Jordan suddenly walked in and Kay's jaw tightened.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes going to the guest room.

Kay looked at me and looked at the tv.he gave me glances but i didn't study it.

"Y/n why u still with him? After how he treats u u deserve a real man.."he said catching my attention.

I looked at him and didn't speak. I didn't know I just forgave him many of times.

I hugged Kay and he hugged back rubbing my back.


I sat on Kay's couch and watched as he walked in. He's clearly not in the mood so I didn't say hello or hi or anything.

He looked at me and mugged me. "Fuck you ain't say hi fa?"he said and I smiled.

"My bad"I said and he smiled "na u good"he said making me smile.

I think I had feelings for him naturally he had helped me out even tho he didn't have too...

I walked up too him and hugged him..

"Thank you again for helping me"I said and he looked at me with his arms up.

"Na it's nothing"he said still processing what I was doing..

I closed my eyes but felt lips hit mines I sat shocked but didn't hesitate to kiss back. He held into my back.

I didn't stop until the door was knocked on.
He stopped and went to go answer it.

There sat Jordan and dougz and the rest.

I sat criss cross on the couch and Kay sat by me. He grabbed my thigh and got on his phone.
Jordan gave me a glance and looked at his phone.

In two days my gaming set up was coming
So for now I had to use a computer.

I got on Amazon and bought some stuff and spent what I made from my job.

I bought a desk and needed to decorate it..
Kay looked at me buying stuff and raised his eyebrow.

"Whatcha buying all this for?"he asked and I looked at him.

"I got a new desk"I said and he nodded. "U staying with me right? Like permanently??"he asked and I looked away..

I was planning on buying an apartment so i didn't bother him..

"Well.." I said not knowing what to say "don't buy apartment end of conversation."he said and I looked at him shocked.

"Uhh okay..."


To be continued...

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