Chapter 10

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Severus found himself in an empty classroom. What just happened? Why did Severus run away? And why did Severus start to feel tears run down his cheek?

Severus sat at a desk in the back of the classroom and put his head in his hands. Maybe Severus was crying because he was stressed out? It didn't matter if Severus was upset about James probably agreeing to be Regulus's boyfriend.

They were probably snogging at this very moment while everyone surrounding them were cheering. It didn't matter because James didn't like Severus. James was bound to cancel the Hogsmeade dat- Hang out that they had.

Severus continued to cry into his hands until he heard footsteps running towards the classroom he was in. Severus quickly wiped his tears but even if he did they'd still be noticeable.

Severus was sure that it was Lily or Narcissa, so he definitely wasn't expecting James to walk in. "Potter! What do you want?" Severus attempted to scowl but it didn't come out how he wanted,

"Severus, I'm so sorry for what just happened!" Said James as he started to approach Severus. "You shouldn't keep your new boyfriend waiting." Severus said stiffly. He tried to appear as though he was unbothered by the whole thing but that definitely wasn't happening.

"What boyfriend?" James seemed as though he already knew the answer but wanted Severus to say it himself. "Regulus!" Exclaimed Severus who was now doing everything he could to keep the tears at bay.

"You think I actually said yes to him? You've got to be joking. He's Sirius's brother, plus he is definitely going to follow his family and become a death eater." Said James as he sat in the chair next to Severus who scooted away.

"Listen Sever- Snape, I know you must be feeling jeal-"

"Jealous!?" Severus yelled. "You're not special, Potter!" Severus sneered.

"Snape, you're crying." James said with a quirked eyebrow, clearly amused.

"I was not crying! I simply came into this room to be alone!" James gave Severus a look that said 'I'm not buying it.'

"Snape, tell me the real reason why you're in here, crying."

"You don't have to keep calling me Snape." Said Severus looking James up and down. "Okay then, Severus. Tell me why you are crying."

"Fine, the truth is I don't even know why I'm crying. I guess Harry has been a lot to handle. I have been taking care of him all by myself! I have to stay up late until three in the morning everyday just so I can get an okay amount of studying since I cannot do it while Harry is awake." Severus explained.

What he said was half true. That was not the only reason he was upset.

"Okay, then why don't you let me take Harry for a little? While you do all your studying and shit." James suggested. "Like I'd trust Harry anywhere near Black!" Severus rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I won't be around him If he's with me."

"How do I know you won't lose him!"

"Oh come on, Severus! Can't you cut me at least a little slack? I'm his father in the future, you'd think I would know how to be responsible!" James huffed.

Severus was about to speak when he heard running come towards the classroom, again. "Regulus, just give it up!" Said a familiar voice.

Only seconds later did two boys appear in the doorway. "I'm sorry I tried to stop him from coming!" Sirius said, clearly out of breath from running.

James and Severus both stood up instinctively "You! You told him to say no so you could have him to yourself!" Regulus yelled at Severus. "I see you've been crying, what sob story did he tell you James!?" Regulus pointed at Severus.

𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now