Chapter 5

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Sorry this chapter is really bad, I didn't know what to write. But hopefully next chapter will be better!

James looked confused to say the least as he took Harry in his hands. But he didn't refuse. Sirius watched as Severus put a comforting arm around Narcissa. "Hey, you think they might be dating?" Sirius asked, pointing towards Severus and Narcissa.

James remembered what happened in the library when she found out she would be having a baby with Lucius in the future. So most definitely not, but James figured he should keep her secret.

"Who knows." James shrugged, sitting Harry in his lap. "Harry, are you hungry?" James asked which he got a nod in return. "Lookie who we got here." Sirius' eyes narrowed as he watched Peter walk in the door with his arm in a cast.

"I'll take care of it. Padfoot, no fighting with Peter, at least until Harry's back with Snape." Remus said, putting an arm in front of Sirius as he tried to stand up.

"Whatever Moony." Sirius muttered, rolling his eyes.

With Severus and Narcissa.

Severus surprisingly didn't have that bad of a feeling in his stomach as he walked away from James and Harry. He was the boy's father (future father) after all.

Severus took himself and Narcissa to the nearest empty classroom.

When they finally found one, Narcissa sat at a desk, Severus sitting next to her. "Now, do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" Severus asked. He made sure to be as gentle as possible, scared that she might snap at him any second.

"I-It's just. You know how my whole family is all Death Eaters?" Severus nodded. "I wasn't going to join it. I was going to steer away from all that. But, Lucius, he's already a Death Eater. I-I didn't want that for me or my child." She said, tears already spilling out.

"T-That means I will have to get involved with that stuff. Lucius might even make Draco become a one of them. I mean look at my sister. She's absolutely crazy. She probably kills at least a muggle or muggle-born a day. I don't want that for me or my son. But I can't not have an intercourse with Lucius now because then I won't have Draco."

When Narcissa finished it made Severus actually realize he was in the same situation (kind of, his future didn't involve death eaters but still.) he too had to have sex with someone he hated all his life. When could that even happen? They weren't dating and they certainly wouldn't in the future on Severus' watch. Oh my gosh, what if James raped Severus!

"S-Sev?" Narcissa asked, waving a hand in front of his face which snapped him out of his trance, "No, I completely understand. But, maybe there is a way for you to still be happy with Draco." She looked at him desperately, "I mean maybe you could still do the deed with Lucius, but you could like, leave him the day after? I know it sounds stupid but-" Severus was cut off with a gasp coming from Narcissa.

"Severus! You're a genius! I should do that! That way when I leave I could move to France or something! So then I could get away from all of this war happening and be able to have Draco!" She put her hands over Severus's hands.

"Well, I was expecting you to say it was stupid." He smiled, which was fake. He couldn't get the thought about what Potter might've done to him in the future out of his mind.

"Severus, you don't look too happy yourself. Are you okay?" She asked with concern written all over her face. "Yes, I'm fine. This is your time to talk, not mine. Do you wanna talk about it anymore?" He said, trying to change the subject but Narcissa was again in deep thought.

𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now