Chapter 6

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I wanted to say that Regulus in the story is pretty much a bad character, I just wanted to say sorry to my dear Regulus. He is actually a really good character. I just didn't know who else would fit the sabotage for the story :)

Severus woke up, but Harry was still asleep. Harry must have been tired considering the amount of crying he did that night. Harry was so good since he first encountered Severus that he forgot that he could whine.

Harry soon woke up and had already a lot of energy. Great. "Papa! Wake up!" Harry said, standing up in the bed which caused him to fall. "Yes Harry, I'm already up." Severus said, sitting up to hold Harry.

"Now Harry, today you have to be really good! You're going to go to classes with me. There will be many other students that you will have to spend time with. You have to be on your best behavior, do you think you can do that? If you do, I'll give you a treat.

Harry didn't look convinced whatsoever until Severus mentioned treats. He of course got excited about the fact he could get treats and agreed. "Great, now come on let's get you ready." Severus said standing up.

He got the two of them ready at the same time so it would be faster. He gave Harry a bath and dressed him. Today was even colder than yesterday so Severus dressed Harry in pretty much the same thing he wore yesterday but with a thick jacket over top.

Soon Severus was ready and walked out the portrait. Lily wasn't there like yesterday so he didn't have someone to chat with (Besides Harry of course). He soon made it to the Great Hall. He was very late today so he had to rush. Narcissa wasn't there like yesterday but Regulus was.

"Hey Snape." Regulus said scooting over to be across from Severus, "What do you need?" Severus rolled his eyes "Don't be rude, I just wanted to say hi." Regulus teased.

"Fine then." Severus said as he put a plate in front of Harry to eat. Severus again wasn't hungry so he didn't eat breakfast. Normally Lily would be with him to remind him to eat, but she wasn't here, so he didn't necessarily have to eat.

"Regulus, tell me why you're really here." Severus glared. "Fine, I wanted to see the boy. To get an idea for my own children." Regulus muttered to himself so Severus wouldn't hear. But he definitely heard.

"Well, Sirius may of told me that James was the other father, and now I assume that you know you'll steer away from actually doing anything with him. But the boy looks so much like James I kind of wanted to picture him but with my features as well." Regulus said, taking a deep look at Harry.

"I-I are you trying to say that, you like Potter?!" Severus blurted out a little too loud. "Shush! The entire Great Hall might as well know now!" Regulus whispered as everyone turned back to their conversations.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that." Severus said, still full with concern. "Well, considering the fact that Harry looks so much like James, that will be what our kids look like." Regulus said, still staring at Harry.

Severus started to feel incredibly uncomfortable and decided he should take the opportunity to leave. "Well then, you do you. I best get going." Severus said standing up and quickly walking away before Regulus could even say something.

"Oh Severus! There you are, oh boy I've got something to tell you! I'll tell you in class, okay?" Lily said after running to him. "You're not the only one, you won't believe this but, Regulus has a crush on Potter!" Severus whispered as they walked to Charms.

"WHAT!?" Lily yelled which caused everyone to stare at them. "I'm sorry, but that completely caught me off guard." She whispered.

"But that's not the worst part, he literally told me that he was only sitting across from me because he wanted to take a look at Harry. Since Harry looks so much like Potter he wanted to imagine what their kids would look like."

𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now