I was so pissed I could feel my face was red hot with anger and dislike for the man next to me. My arms crossed as I faced away from him.

During the car ride, I did not know how Peppa felt but the tension was so thick, it could be a forcefield. There's nothing I hate more than being forced into doing something. I might be used to it but it doesn't mean I like it. Sitting here in this car of a rich man, taking me and my friend to a 5 star hotel, I keep wondering to myself what I did to God that he finds it amusing to have my life and future in the hands of people who don't want me.

"God, I hate you." I muttered filling the silence in the car.

I had to say that out loud so he knows and he gets it. I needed him to feel how I felt but I doubt he did because he was a selfish prick.

"Yeah? Save that hate for my parents." He said, it felt like he was trying to make some stupid joke but I didn't care enough to be able to laugh at his lame attempt of a joke .

"How are you doing Peppa? Fiona talked a lot about you." He spoke again when the silence returned but he was talking to Peppa this time. As long as it wasn't me.

"I-I'm good. Just hungry but good." She said the first thing that got into her head. She really was famished. Peppa loves food and that's another secret to our perfect friendship, our love for food is so strong that we spoil each other with it.

"Don't worry about that. Is she always this salty?" He asks about me of which I rolled my eyes at it.

"Not really. She's kinda more pregnant than she's more Fiona." Peppa made her own joke which Kevin smiled to. I knew she wanted to throw a snarky comment at him too but unfortunately she wasn't carrying his child and was about to fly with his money so she couldn't just speak like I was speaking.

"Yeah.. I can tell." Kevin says before we park in front of a beautiful grey and white hotel with a big entrance.

The Diamond Hotel, one of the finest in Miami. Many known celebrities have stayed in this very hotel and there could possibly be some celebrities right now, I thought to myself and from the review mirror, I saw Peppa was taking a video of everything to post on her instagram. I'm glad at least one of us is benefiting to my shitty life choices.

Kevin made his way out of the car and before he could even attempt to open the door for me, I was already out and I still wore the face of hatred. Maybe not hatred now but I was not smiling nor was I looking nice. He still thinks I'd want his "chilvary" when I don't even want him near me? My eyes were more awed by the hotel which looked quite bigger than the one we had slept in last night.

We made our way inside and as usual, he took the attention of many even though this is where he lives, maybe usually it is normal for people in the hotel to see the man getting inside since it is where he lives but this time, his hand was conjoined with that of mine when weeks ago he confirmed to never being someone who wanted a relationship. He gave me eyes, I could tell Peppa had a lot of questions at our PDA but she didn't question it at the time.

As he walked between the me and Peppa, he caught someone he stopped promptly when he saw a short woman with an Afro and what seemed to be the hotel's uniform though different from others.

"Ashley," He called out to her and she was quick to come forward.

"Mr Williams," She acknowledged.

"This is Fiona, she'll be staying with me for a while and this is her friend Peppa. Anything these ladies want when I'm not around make sure it's attended to, got it?" He instructed her.

She quickly nods in agreement after looking at both of our faces before she spoke.

"I'll be sure of it Mr Williams." She says with a rather big smile towards us. My look of annoyance nearly faded because of the warmth I received from Ashley.

I don't know what I expected but I expected for women to somehow have this huge crush on Kevin that they don't like him with anybody else. That was my entire life, whenever I would catch a man's gaze, some women would hate me for it like I had just ruined their life. I never got why.

Kevin shockingly thanked Ashley and we started walking away. Kevin is not used to asking which is what I had noticed before our second encounter. He orders more than he asks but he still thanks the service instead of just being snarky about it. He has a bit of manners I guess, or maybe he just chooses who to have manners with. I only hoped my first child would not be like him or they wouldn't be like me.

Gosh I'm such an idiot! I'll scare the poor baby as soon as they are born because of who their parents are. Stupid Fiona!

The three of us finally made it to Kevin's floor and as expected it was the top floor, the en suite where he lived undisturbed, with no neighbors. I expected nothing less from Mr Fancy and as usual, he did not disappoint. Only the best for a Williams.

The elevator door opened to reveal a hallway with portraits that hung on the walls. Both I and Peppa were mesmerized by the portraits, some were of people and some were well-known art which is why we were amazed by it. Damn, he is buy-a-random-painting rich, I thought to myself.

Kevin lead us to the end of the hallway where he was about to pull out his keycard but he stopped before he could, I still wasn't talking to him so I wasn't going to ask him what's wrong, his head tilted in confusion as if trying to hear something, even I tried to tune in and I swear I could hear voices from inside.

I heard him audibly sigh in frustration as if knowing exactly who was in here. It was his place after all so he does know who is in here. Great now I have to meet some more people.


Hey novel lovers, hope we're still on the right track, more chapters are coming your way.

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