The Crime

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Prompt; The crime
Characters; Dawko x 8-bitRyan
Length; 609 words

People, please read this before you read the story. I'm in a bad place right now (mentally). This story is really f-ed up. Dawko is kinda sick in the head.
- Obsessive behavior
- Mentions of r!pe
- Jelousy
- Mentions of having sex while sleeping
I don't have anything against the people, I really love them but this just kind of slipped out.
Hope you enjoy it, you've been warned.
Also, I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes!


  It was dead of night. Quiet and peace all around.  The man was lying in bed, undisturbed, his bleached hair messy on the pillows. His lips have been slightly parted as he was breathing. His blanket was wrapped around his legs and waist, his chest and arms laid uncovered. It was unusually warm in Britain.

The man, unaware of the other person in the room, in his house, was snoring lightly, maybe dreaming, maybe not. He didn't notice the other person watching him, carefully reading and memorizing the curves of his body.

How the light from the windows shined on his skin making it almost perfect. How his spine curved and moved like a snake daring the other to bite into the forbidden apple. His muscles slightly tensing in his sleep.

The other man watched him, with a small smile on his face. His blue eyes shining in interest, under the light of the moon nearly making it look like his eyes were purely white. Oh how he wished to trace his hand down the perfect skin. Or curl a fist in the fluffy looking hair. Or look into the brown eyes and watch as they fall back. He was perfect, everything about him was perfect.

Sometimes he thought maybe he could go a bit further. After all, he already found his address, he stalked Ryan and learned his schedule, he broke into his house to watch him sleep nearly every night... It wouldn't be such a stretch to reach out just under the covers. He shook his head to get those thoughts from his head.

He ignored the voice that told him, again and again, to do it. To take what he wants. To touch what was his. To mark him as his. To keep him. Safe, close, as a trophy...

Lewis couldn't even remember when he fell in love with his friend, or how. Maybe it was the smile he had on every time he looked at him. Or the way his eyes started tearing up when he got scared. Or the way he cared. It was everything.

At first, it scared him. Feeling such things to a man, let alone his friend. He tried to fight it, he really did. But he found that he grew angry every time Baz would hug Ryan. Every time Ryan would smile at Razz. Or even talked to Will.

It was burning in him, like a fire, an unspoken pain, burning and eating him alive from the inside. He wanted him. He needed him. He will have him.

Lewis looked from the window and noticed the sun coming up. It was time to go. He got up and took one last glance at his crush. After a moment of fighting with himself he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Ryan's forehead. He smiled when the man under him mumbled softly.

He went to the door and left, cleaning trails that he could leave behind. Maybe one day he'll go further than the kiss on forehead. After all, Ryan was taking strong pills for sleep. And if he woke up? Well, he could just convince him that he was having a wet dream about him. Convince him that he was the one who wanted it. And wasn't that a wonderful thought...

One way or another, Ryan will be his. He'll understand soon that this is what he wants. He just needs to see that Lewis is everything that Ryan could ever need or wish for. And if anyone tries to stop him?

Well, what is a bigger crime; Fighting a villain or stepping into the way of true love?

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