Chapter 6: (L)

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"Lola!" Aunt Sally hissed in my ear, as her silver stilettos tentatively approached the sobbing Victoria. "Go and get someone, get David, anyone!"

Aunt Sally bent down to where Victoria was sitting, wiping tears from her eyes with perfectly manicured fingers between sobs. "Come on now, Victoria," Aunt Sally spoke as if to a small child, "Tell me what the matter is, I'm sure it can't be that bad." I backed out of the room, careful not to stand on the broken glass, then turned around and broke into a gentle run, or as much as I could run in my heeled shoes.

I dodged past many people in the corridors; the press arriving for fashion week, a lady with the biggest bouquet of flowers I've seen in my life, and men in dark polo shirts all talking into earpieces.
Eventually I got back down to the lobby, where David, Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz, and Harper had just finished breakfast, and were walking happily out of the restaurant. In fact it was safe to say that Harper was wearing most of hers on her face alone.
David smiled when he saw me, but looked concerned when he noticed that I was running. I came to an abrupt halt in front of the family, almost tripping over in my heels.

"Hey, Lola, are you ok?" David asked, looking at my possibly sweaty face with worry in his own.
"I'm...fine..." I panted, my hands on my hips as I tried to get my breath back, "but Victoria...I dunno what...happened, but she's... crying...there's a broken mirror..."
"Leave it to me." He said quickly, almost cutting me off with the speed at which he jumped in with. "Brooklyn, stay here with the kids, I don't want them seeing this." David jogged down the corridor, his athletic physique clear in his running stance. I turned, and smiled apologetically at Brooklyn, who replied by rolling his eyes. Then I followed David, even though I was still out of breath from the first run. Back down the corridor, past the people with flowers and earpieces and cameras, until I got to the dressing rooms, by which time I had caught up with David.

"Oh my goodness, Victoria!" He exclaimed, rushing over to her where she sat in a director style chair, Aunt Sally's arm draped around her thin shoulders.
"What the hell happened here?" he asked, crouching down to her level, his age showing as he creased his forehead in concern.

"It-it was-Nina,"she said, still distraught. Aunt Sally put her hand out to a nearby tissue box and grabbed a handful. Victoria took one, put it to her nose and smiled gratefully. She carried on tearfully, "She's one of my models, she was going to wear the finale dress." Victoria took a moment to blow her nose quietly. "She said she didn't want to do it any more, that she had a better offer somewhere else, but i thought she'd stay, just for this morning, she knows how important this is to me." With that, fresh tears fell from her eyes down her flawlessly makeup coated face.
David and Aunt Sally looked at each other, concerned for the outcome of the situation.
"Look, we'll get her to come back. What's her number, I'll call her." David said reassuringly.
"No!" sobbed Victoria, taking another handful of tissues from Aunt Sally, who patted her sympathetically on the arm.
"It's too late for that! She said she's g-going and never co-coming back! She broke the mirror and said she's sick of being treated like this, and she's going to America because she says I don't respect her when she models for me." Victoria seemed to call herself down, taking deep breaths as she spoke.
It was quiet for a moment; the only sound was Victoria's calming breathing as David, Aunt Sally and myself were taking it what she'd just told us.

"Well, I hate to say it Victoria, but you're going to have to find someone else to wear the finale dress." David said, placing his hand on hers and stroking it gently.
"No, it's too late now, my show starts in a few hours, I'll have to cancel." she said feebly, and looked more defeated than ever. David and Aunt Sally looked at each other incredulously, obviously shocked at how much hard work had been wasted on this collection.
Before my brain could compete, my mouth had taken over.
"I'll do it." I stepped forward boldly. What was I doing? It was too late to pull out now, I'd already said it. Me and my huge mouth.

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