Chapter Eight

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Victoria looks around awkwardly as the pirates all sit down at the huge table. There are twenty-five total which surprises Victoria. For the size of the ship, the crew number is tiny. It could fit ten times that easily.

Captain Lorenzo, whose full name had finally been revealed to Victoria when Thessaly shouted it as they entered the small dining room, sits at the head of the table. He makes Victoria stand beside him. She looks at them all awkwardly and bites at her lips as they stare back at her. She notices Oscar. He grins and winks at her. Victoria smiles back. It falls from her face as she notices the captain staring up at her. Immediately, Victoria's eyes fall to the floor.

"Give the girl a seat, cap," Thessaly says. He just glares at her, and Victoria remains standing uncomfortably next to him.

She is immediately forgotten about as the chef brings out a great big pot from the kitchen and dumps it on the table. Immediately, everyone stands with their bowls in hand.

"Oi!" the chef shouts and slaps the hand of one to the pirates who got too close, whacking it hard with the wooden ladle. They squeak and sit back down, but that doesn't deter the other pirates from lunging toward it. There are at least four more whacks before the Chef starts ladling the hot liquid into bowls. Even between servings, he is hitting bowls and spoons away. Victoria watches the carnage with wide eyes and ducks as a bowl flies toward her head, flicked out of its holder's hand by a hard swing of the chef's ladle.

"Settle down you stupid mutts!" he growls as he tries to finish serving the food. Victoria can't help but giggle as the chaos unfolds. It is so loud with thumping, shouting, and raucous laughing. Finally, the chef gets to Lorenzo, who had sat quietly waiting the whole time.

"Sir," the chef says as Lorenzo holds up his bowl. The chef pours in the food. Then, he reaches for a spare bowl.

"For the lady," he says and begins to pour.

"No," Lorenzo replies harshly. "She can have scraps of whatever is left."

Victoria shoots him an ugly glare and clenches her jaw. The chef puts the bowls down and gulps. He looks the captain in the eye.

"Sir," he begins, and suddenly, quiet fills the room once more. "No one has been able to taste my food for a century," he begins, stuttering. Victoria's eyes widen in shock. The chef licks his lips nervously. "I..." he falters, "I want to know if I'm still cookin' good food. Please, let her taste it."

Captain Lorenzo's expression softens slightly, and his lips pull into a tiny smile. Victoria almost thinks she's imagined it.

"Very well," he replies. The chef grins and prepares Victoria a bowl. He shoves it into her hands.

All eyes fall on Victoria. She clears her throat awkwardly and shifts on her feet. Their stares only grow more intense as she collects the contents of the bowl onto her spoon. She blows on the steaming stew, the sound deafening in the silence. Then, she slowly puts it in her mouth, spilling some of the juices down her chin.

The fish is delicious, smoked and full of flavour. It is beautifully tender and perfectly cooked.

"Please, m'lady," Chef says, looking into her eyes intensely. "Be brutally honest."

Victoria swallows the food and smiles politely. "The fish is cooked to perfection," she tells him, "and it tastes delicious, however, it is a little too salty."

The chef curses under his breath. "I knew it," he huffs, shaking his head. "I knew it," he says again and slumps in his chair. Now she has taken a bite and given her verdict, the captain takes her bowl away, snatching it right out of her fingers. Victoria almost punches him. She physically restrains her hands, holding them tightly.

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