Chapter Four

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"Ain't no girl here for you to find," Mrs Tarlow says. He turns slowly, raising an eyebrow. The smile on his face is calm and cocky.

"Is that so?" he asks, amused.

"Aye, unless I'm the one your searchin' for," she replies, then lets out a roar of hearty laughter. Victoria hears thumping above her as Mrs Tarlow gets back to work.

"You see, landlady, I've heard reports that you have a woman working for you. They say she's the most beautiful creature they've ever laid eyes on with hair like fire and eyes like the ocean."

Mrs Tarlow laughs once more. "Are your informants' poets?" she asks, "ain't no girl around here like that, I can assure you. Not many women like to come to this dump. It's not usually safe for young pretty girls to stay here alone, let alone work here. She'd be devoured by a crowd like this and there wouldn't be anything I could do to stop it. Beautiful girls stay far away from places like this," she says, her tone still joking.

The man steps closer to the bar. Victoria raises her hand to her mouth and stops breathing. He is only inches away from her on the other side of the thin, wooden panel. Her legs burn from the position she holds herself in, but she dares not move. The slightest creek and this will all be over.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" he asks, that arrogant, amused tone still present. The sound of it makes Victoria clammy with sweat and the hairs on the back of her neck stand.

"I wouldn't dare lie to a member of your fine order," she replies.

Silence follows.

Victoria shuts her eyes tightly as her head spins and black spots cloud her vision. Her muscles burn and feel shakily weak at the same time. Over and over in her head, she begs for him to leave and for this to all be over.

Her stomach claws and sinks as dread gnaws at her. This is it. Her luck has run out.

"Hmmm," he finally says and steps away. "You wouldn't mind if we searched this place then?" he asks.

"I absolutely would mind," Mrs Tarlow replies, "This place is a haven from the likes of you. I have built myself a reputation for respecting my guest's privacy and I will not have you barging into their rooms. I don't even know your bloody name!"

"My apologies," he says, his voice sickly sweet, "I am Elijah Madden, the General of the Green Army and one of the five High Lords in the Order of the Severed Fell," he says and turns back to face the pirates, not giving Mrs Tarlow a chance to process what he just said. Their faces remain blank, unimpressed with his impressive rank. Some even smirk and others roll their eyes. General Elijah continues talking. "And let's talk about your guests. You know hosting pirates is illegal?"

"In your country, yes. But not here," she tells him, keeping her voice strong.

Elijah chuckles. "The rules of my country are the rules of all the lands, my dear," he tells her.

"Is that what your king believes?" she asks and chuckles. "Please leave sir. You have no jurisdiction here."

He smiles calmly. "I was asking to search this place to be polite, landlady. The Order doesn't need permission to act as it pleases from the likes of pirate-harbouring scum like you."

Mrs Tarlow takes in a shallow breath. Victoria starts to panic and she mentally prepares herself for a fight. She squares her shoulders and breathes in short, sharp, and shallow breaths. Her magic, all be it weak, swells through her. Deep down, she knows her magic isn't enough anymore. But as her body begins to tingle and warm, she can't help but feel a numb confidence.

If they find her, she'll fight until the end. They won't take her easily. In fact, she'll see to it that she isn't taken at all.

Perhaps, after a century, it is time to be reunited with her murdered sisters.

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