Consolidating power

Start from the beginning

Knock knock knock

''Hide, everyone.'' Naruto ordered and all the girls in his room hid. Naruto stood up, sat on a chair and said, ''Enter.'' The person outside was Mei Terumi. ''Your war is won. I take it you are very happy with this outcome, Mei.''

''Yes I am, Naruto. On behalf of all of Mist, I thank you.'' Mei told Naruto with a sweet smile. ''However, the people are not too happy with the foreign occupation. I have to ask, when are your troops going to leave?''

''I have a... few things I wish to do first. Care to see it in person?'' Naruto asked her and she said nothing. Naruto took it as a 'yes' and walked out with Mei following behind him. They walked outside to the village where the Magogite troops brought all the ninja and civilians before the tower. ''Wait here.'' Naruto told her and he jumped up to the top of the tower. The people of Mist thought Naruto was going to make a big speech but he did not. Instead, his EMS activated and he muttered one word. ''Kotoamutsukami.'' And with that, the whole of Mist village was his to control.

''Well done, lord Naruto.'' Guren told her master as she walked up to him. ''Another village under your control. There are none who can compare with your power.''

''Thank you for the praise, my loyal and faithful servant.'' Naruto said and turned around to face Guren. ''I have seen the whole of the Speculum Lunae and I have decided... that I will make you, Samui and Ryuzetsu my concubines. The same as the other girls but you will have more prestige than them. They're more of pets to me, just toys.''

''I am beyond honored than you chose me to become your concubine, lord Naruto. I will not disappoint you.''

''Where is my cousin, Daemon, anyways?'' Naruto asked.

''To attack the water daimyo, my lord.''

"Ah, I see. What should we do about the other villages in the country, Daena? Should we mount the helicopters and round them all up?'' Naruto asked.

''Nah. The soldier who are to be stationed here will occupy and implement indoctrination, Naruto.'' Daena answered. ''Your mind control power is too valuable to be wasted on mere peasants and fishers. Besides, Magogite brainwashing is good, it just needs time. Within the next three years, they'll be loyal to us, cousin.''


              -water daimyo's castle-

''Fire.'' Daemon ordered and the helicopters shot their missiles on the castle walls and samurai garrison. The missiles exploded and dozens were dead. The helicopters flew down and imperial troopers came out to fight the samurai and regular soldiers. Their arrows and spears useless against Magogite rifles and they were all slaughtered down to the last man. After that, the imperial troopers stormed into the palace and dragged the daimyo and his family out.

''Wait, please!'' pleaded the water daimyo. ''Spare us! Spare my family. I'll give you all my money, just please spare our lives.''

''Orders, my lord?'' imperial army major Heinz asked Daemon. The Blackfyre merely flicked his fingers and the major knew what to do. ''Fire!'' the major ordered and the imperial troopers fired on the daimyo, his wife and concubines and children.

''Major Heinz, come here.'' Daemon ordered and the major came forward. ''By the order of House Blackfyre, I install you as the new daimyo of the Land of Water.''

''I an honored, my prince. I shall not disappoint you.''

''Build up fortifications with the soldiers that will stay behind. Use the resources to make food that will help Magog in the eventual conquest of this land. The country and it's people are yours to command, major but the new Mizukage is not to be touched. She is my cousin's property now.''

Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emperor (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now