Someone yells a quick sorry but rush off without offering me any help up. With an annoyed huff I turn toward my bag, reaching one hand toward it before quickly pulling it back. Some guy that was walking down the hallway, looking everywhere but where he is walking trips over my bag. He falls face first, landing on his stomach with a groan. I have to stifle my laugh as I watch his face contort with a painful expression. I shouldn't laugh, it probably really hurt but you should of seen his face when he fell down. It was hilarious.

His eyes snap to mine and the smile immediately drops from my face. I've never seen him before but he's handsome with brown shaggy hair and sharp features. He also doesn't look happy. Clearing my throat I reach for my bag that's wedged between his chest and floor. With a sharp tug I free it from under him and push it over my shoulder. His gaze never leaves me as I dust myself off and begin to walk in the direction of my first lesson.

"Do I not even get a sorry?" The mystery guys calls out to me.
"I'm sorry that you didn't watch where you were going" I yell over my shoulder, pushing past all of the ogling onlookers that have been watching the whole interaction curiously. Way to keep discrete on the first day back.

Once I've made it to my homeroom I slip into the seat furthest from everyone else. No one bothers me in here which is why it's one of my favourite places in the whole school. Or at least it was until  the same guy that fell over my bag comes strolling in and spots me. A wave of recognition ripples through his face before his long legs begin to stride in my direction. I squint my eyes watching as a smirk crawls onto his face just before he collapses into the only chair beside me. Why me god? Why me?

"Don't look too pleased to see me, people might think we are friends" I roll my eyes at his sarcastic comment, I certainly am not happy to see him.
"Can't you find some other girl to terrorise?" I grumble, sliding further down into my seat as fellow classmates start to stare and whisper about us.
"Me terrorise you? You are the one that caused me to face plant, on my first day too. Could you not of given me one day to get to know the people here before they start laughing at me?" I spare him a glance relaxing when I see his easy going smile, he's not actually upset.

"Oh please I bet you're on one of the sport teams aren't you?" His jaw drops slightly as he looks at me. "The football team, yes. Why does that matter?" Of course he's on the football team, I should of guessed that.

"Because there is no way anyone will spare a second thought at you embarrassing yourself when you are apart of the team. Everyone loves the football team" maybe I'm being a little biased since three of my closest friends are football players but being on the team automatically makes you popular.

"So what you're telling me is that you love me?" I hate this guy already.
"Quite the opposite actually, you're awfully annoying" our teacher takes this moment to introduce herself and start the register. I'm thankful for the interruption as my conversation with the new guy ends. I cast my gaze out of the window, just beside me, for the remainder of homeroom. As soon as the bell rings I'm out of my seat and the door before the new guy even has chance to blink. I do not want to become friends, I've got enough of them already. I just hope he gets that message.


"So you've already tripped the new guy up and sat next to him for 15 minutes before I even had the chance to get a glimpse of him?" I nod, looking at Mal who pouts her glossed lips.
"That's not fair! you don't even appreciate a good looking guy when you seen one and I've heard he's hotter than every guy in school" she flicks a long blonde lock over her shoulder, blue eyes flickering around the bustling cafeteria, presumably looking for the new guy.

"I think everyone is just excited about having someone new, he's not that good looking" I explain but trail off at the end as our other friend, Kim, smiles mischievously.
"You think he's good looking" she teases with a bright smile that I roll my eyes at.
"You are just as annoying as he is you know" she shrugs sipping on her water as I stand up.

Falling for the unloveable Where stories live. Discover now