Chapter 2: Hallway Light

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Just saw your reviews and to be honest I loved them and you asked for more. Hope you love this one like you loved the last one!!

I walked into the house and found my dad cooking. I've seen him cook sometime but i was surprised, why today? "Honey can you please set up the dinner table?" What has this man planned and I just walked in.

I went upstairs to my room and put my bag. My older brother Jacob walked in and threw his bag on the floor. He does that everyday and he knows my father tells me to pick it up for him.

I went downstairs and set up the table. He came and put the plate and some casserole dishes there. This guy surprised me today. Usually my mother is the one who cooks or we go out.

"I know that you all are surprised now. I decided to cook dinner, you know let your mom take a break from cooking."

My mom got in minutes later with my little sister Casey with some grocery bags. "Ooh smells good, who cooked?"

She put the groceries in the kitchen and her bag in the living room. She came and sat down next to me. Okay mom never sits next to me at the dinner table.

"I decided to do a little something for you guys. So dig in and enjoy your food." My mom looked at dad with an impressed look and sat properly.

The food was good! Mom can cook but dad? I was impressed.

After dinner I went to my room to do my homework. I had alot of homework to do. We were finished with exams but they were giving us alot of work.

I finished and decided to take a nap. My day was long and I was tired so a nap would be great. Wilshire Montana is a great neighbourhood and quiet.

I woke up the next day but early. It was an Instagram notification and I checked my DM to see a message from Jason

Hey Bella can you be in school at 7? You'll find me in the computer lab. We need to talk.

One Jason and I don't talk except when in class, we don't even chat on social media so I was surprised.

What does this guy want? I got up, made my bed and went straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower.

I went downstairs, had pancakes for breakfast. A little too early? My mom goes to work early so by 6:45 breakfast is always ready.

I took my car keys and house keys. Got into my car and drove to school.

I walked in and the hallways lights flashed into my eyes. It was a little bit dark inside that's why they were still on. I walked over to my locker to see what I could get and saw nothing.

I walked over to the computer lab and Jason was there playing with his phone.

"Hey, you called me and here I am." He quickly gave me all his attention and looked into my eyes. Did i tell you he is the most handsome guy in school?

This guy is every girl's crush and he called me here. He wants something from me I know it.

"I know you're wondering why I called you here," he knows that. "Yeah I am? Why did you call me?"

He looked down, "I need your help with something." The bad boy was asking me for help? Doesn't he know I don't like bad people? He is the worst of all bad people.

I gave him a look which meant he should proceed. He just looked at me and said nothing. "Are gonna say something or I should leave? I have time I can go to the café and get myself coffee." He sighed and moved closer to me. I moved back and stared at him. This guy still hadn't said anything and I was gonna stand up and leave.

"I need help. Can you be my chemistry tutor? I don't attend the same class with you and my dad told to me to do chemistry and I don't understand a thing."

Oh, okay, I could also teach him some manners. "Are manners part of the list? What price are we looking at? A hundred dollars per hours?" He raised his eyebrow and and rolled his eyes.

That I cannot tolerate. If I'm teaching him and say some bad stuff to him he'll just roll his eye at me like a 13 year old?

"Rule number one, don't roll your eyes at me, rather say mean things that roll your eyes at me, number two don't be late, I am impatient and I can't be the one to wait for a late person right?"

He sighed and nodded. "I knew you weren't the best option," he is saying that to me? I'm not the one who needs help, if he doesn't want he can leave.

"I'm not the one who needs help, you are," if he thinks I'll beg him he'll have to think again. I get a monthly allowance so I don't need money.

"I'm sorry and I won't roll my eyes, I'll always be on time because I know you won't wait for me." I was enjoying this.

Should I make him say it again?

Maybe I should've recorded that and sent it to Riley. She would bully him.

"When do we start and where?" Why was I the one asking him? " We can do it here, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, perfect?"

Why did he pick those days? Friday? Who holds classes on Fridays? Who attends extra classes on Fridays?

"Sure, 30 mins after school?" He nodded. I picked up my back and headed off. Some student had already arrived. I scanned the hallway and saw no sign of Riley Davis. I walked out the school doors and walked to my car.


"Can I have one black coffee?" I took out my purse and a 20 dollar bill. I placed it on the counter as Chris gave me my coffee.

I got into my car and went to school. Let's hope Jason doesn't ruin the rest of it.

Let's see how the rest of Bella's day goes in the next chapter. And I made sure to check out my mistakes thanks for letting me know!! Vote and comment your thoughts

XOXO Tillie♤
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XOXO Tillie♤Find me here and get updates!!

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