Brother by Burden.

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Three months later Naruto was walking to Kakashi's office at the Anbu compound. Every Anbu captain got a small office that they finished mission reports in. As an Anbu captain you were responsible for a small amount of paperwork, but it was nothing compared to the Commander, and the Hokage. Usually, Captains didn't use their office much, and team members were almost never called in to their captain's office.

Over the past three months Naruto's happiness had significantly increased. After the massacre he never really recovered, he just kept on moving, but when Yugao joined the team, and they started spending more time together he could admit that being happy was much easier.

In the three years Naruto had been an Anbu he had completed 62 A-Ranks and 10 S-Ranks. His mission completion percentage was 87.5%. His record was one of the most remarkable in any Anbu's history. They hadn't lost any other members of Team Ro besides Monkey. Naruto and Tenzo had brought back his body after the mission, and they had a funeral a week later. It was a private matter only close friends, family, and Team Ro could attend. Losing Monkey was sad for Naruto. They had become quite close during his time as an Anbu, but this wasn't the first team member Naruto had lost. It was the first Team Ro member he had lost, but it wasn't the first.

Naruto reached Kakashi's office, and he knocked on the door. He had no idea why Kakashi called him in, but he assumed it had to do with Kakashi's meeting with the Hokage this morning.

"Come in." A lazy voice said. Naruto walked into the office and saw Kakashi sitting at his desk with his hands folded under his chin. "Have a seat Kitsune. I have news."

Naruto sat down in the chair directly across from Kakashi and looked at him. "Take off your mask Naruto." Kakashi said.

Naruto reached up and took off his mask showing his tan face before Kakashi continued. "I have been asked to step down as an Anbu captain. I will become an Elite Jonin, and take on a Genin team." Naruto's eyes widened in shock. Why would they make Kakashi retire? He was the best captain in the force.

Naruto's respect for Kakashi had grown over the years he had been his captain. Without Shisui and Itachi a void appeared in Naruto's heart, but Kakashi quickly expanded his place to compensate. They were more similar than Naruto thought. While Naruto hid his emotions with an emotionless façade and brutal honesty, Kakashi hid his with his teasing irresponsible persona. Also, Naruto had heard the other agents call Kakashi "Friend killer Kakashi, the captain that would kill you if it meant that he could complete the mission." But Naruto knew this wasn't true. The first thing Kakashi taught Naruto when he first trained him was, "Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum." And no matter what Kakashi heard the other agents say about him he never let it get to him. It was the exact same way Naruto used to handle the villagers.

"The Hokage has entrusted me to choose my replacement as captain of Team Ro... and I have chosen you." Kakashi said.

Naruto's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "...What about Tiger wouldn't he be a much better replacement for you brother?" Naruto asked.

"Because of an influx of new recruits Tenzo has been relocated to a new team. He will be captain of Team Theta. Either way I honestly think you would be a better leader than Tenzo. Tenzo is too by the book for my taste. He is not good at adapting to the situation when it requires him to. You on the other hand thrive in this area. Over the years I have watched you improve your strategy, and now you are perhaps the most unpredictable ninja I have ever met." Kakashi stated.

Naruto thought about it for a second. Then he realized he shouldn't be fighting this. becoming captain was the next step to getting stronger. As a captain he might be able to find the information he needs to condemn a certain someone. "Thank you, Kakashi... I won't let you down." Naruto replies.

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