Remedy Soup

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Cooking wasn't Y/N's strong suit, that's for sure.

So when she almost spilled boiling water onto her skin, one could imagine how Tanjiro reacted.

She swore that he actually glared at her.

She didn't know that was possible.

Humming a tune, Y/N stirred the pot of hot soup. The heat from the steamed tickled her skin. Tanjiro was chopping vegetables in the corner of the kitchen, it was no surprise that he was fast with a knife. But she couldn't help but make fun of his teary eyes when he had cut the onions.

Since they didn't have any current missions, both of them wanted to help around the Butterfly Estate. Y/N herself felt like it was repaying a debt, since all the people here treated her with the utmost care and warmth when she was in need of help. She wanted to do something for them, and of course, Tanjiro felt the same way.

So here they were, cooking a "remedy" soup for patients in the facility, at least that was how Aoi put it to be.

Seeing that the liquid was bubbling, she added the vegetables that Tanjiro had sliced up and slowly added chicken stock to simmer. The smell that came off was delictable.

Covering the soup with a smile, Y/N moved onto making tea. She gathered the tea leaves that were provided to her, and put it in a small metal capsule. Taking out another pots from one of the cabinets, she poured water into it and put it over the fire.

As she waited for it to boil, Y/N went over to Tanjiro and peaked over his arm to see what he was doing. She snaked her arms around his waist, resting her chin on the top of his shoulder.

A small smile formed on Tanjiro's face, a sense of fondness spread through his chest as he stopped grinding the ginger into a paste. He put one hand on Y/N's, using the other one to cup the side of her face as he turned a gave a small, gentle, kiss on her cheek.
Y/N sighed contently, glancing back to observe what he was doing.

That was when she noticed the huge amount of ginger that he was smashing in his small, tiny, stone bowl.

Didn't I see a bigger one?

"Tanjiro, wasn't there a bigger bowl than that?" She asked.

Tanjiro turned his attention to Y/N once again, meeting her eyes before glancing around the kitchen.

"...No..? If there is one, I haven't seen it." He said.

Y/N frowned, she was sure that she had seen one.

She looked through the wooden cabinets, finding no stone bowl bigger than the one Tanjiro was using.

Damn... I was sure that there was one.

Suddenly, a group of children bursted through the door, running around and playing what seemed to be tag. All of them had brown hair and brown eyes, two girls and three boys. They couldn't have been more than 6 years old, and the laughter that sounded from their baby faces lighted up the dim lighted room.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise before she smiled. It was late in the night, she wouldn't have expected children to be awake nontheless playing tag and running around like sugar-high lunatics. But she didn't question it, after all, it was nice to hear some commotion in the estate at night. It was dead silent after sunfall.

Tanjiro observed the scene with Y/N, his smile growing bigger as he felt happy. He loved children, every laugh that came out of their mouths would always remind him of the beautiful laughs of his siblings when he used to chase them around the forest in summer time.

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