6 | Night Terrors |

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The group of four had reached the Wistera Crest, a generation runned place for demon slayers to rehabilitate after their taxing battles. With much difficulty, everyone had gone to bed, after eating, getting tend to, and calming down the bubbling chaos that rumbled underneath them, like a squeaking kettle on a hot stove.

The moon was high in the night sky, the room the four were housed in was dark. Y/N had the option to sleep alone, but she had gotten so used to being next to Tanjiro, that she didn't think she'd be able to sleep as well without him. The thought bothered her, but she didn't pay much attention because of how exhausted she was.
The wistera trees outside have a heavenly pinkish-purplish lighting into the beautifully crafted room, also giving off a comforting sweet scent.

But Y/N was anything but comfortable.

She ran into her home, excited to show her mother what she had found. Y/N had discovered a diamond ring underneath a pile of dead leaves near a leafless tree. Fall had struck, and the crisp air threw her hair around, making it tangled.
"Mom! Mom! Look what I found!"
Y/N's mother stopped what she was doing, and glanced down, replying in a sweet voice as a gorgeous smile covered her face?
"What did you find?"
"I found a ring!" 10 year old Y/N said.
She showed her mother the diamond ring, and she took it out of her tiny hands gently with fascination.

"Honey!" She called to her husband, he came soon after, examining the diamond ring.

"Wow! Y/N! What a catch!" Her father said, patting her head in reassurance as a gentle grin formed.

Y/N blushed from the compliment, expecting to feel her father's warm and comforting hand ruffling her already bird nest hair.

But instead she felt something wet placed on her head, as if someone had poured hot custard into the roots of her hair. Trickling down her face, droplets of blood started to drip down onto the wooden floor, seeping under her nose and making her nauseous from the heavy metallic smell.

Y/N's eyes widened in horror as she regretably looked up, this time, she wasn't a little girl anymore.

Her parents had black holes for where their eyes were supposed to be, blood spilling out. They were bald, the hair was gone, their ears were chopped off, they had no tongue, their teeth became nonexistent, their skin became shriveled and red.

"You did amazing!"

The scene changed as Y/N clutched her chest, her heart racing so fast she thought it would stop.

Now she was in a city, a crowded city that reminded her of the one she and Tanjiro went into. She was walking around, she had to get apples for someone, granny smith apples. She didn't know why, or how, but she had to get them.

Going to a counter, she met a man with black hair and brown eyes. He had pale skin, and wore a brown suit with a red tie and black, shiny, dress shoes. He had black bangs overhanging his vibrant eyes, and lush red lips, pursing as if he was waiting for the moment to kiss her. His chocolate brown gaze held an excitment to them, an adventure. The skin around his eyes wrinkled as he gave a small smile.

Y/N slightly blushed, she found this man attractive.

Asking and paying for two granny smith apples, Y/N said "thank you" as she continued to walk to god knows where.

But for some reason, she had the underlying feeling someone was watching her, was stalking and copying her every move. Y/N took rights and lefts, trying to debunk the theory that she was being followed.

Eventually she made it to an alley way, taking a right.
It was a dead end.

"Huh, why did I come here again?" She thought out loud, Y/N felt anxious inside, this was her way to cope with it and reassure herself she was overthinking.

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