"I dunno,"

Firey found it entertaining to talk to Grove the same way he would to anyone his age, it made for some fun conversations.

At the train station, Grove wanted to hold his train ticket and he felt like a very important little guy.

They stood on the platform waiting for the train to arrive, with Grove asking when the train would be there over and over again.

Firey was relieved when the train pulled in because he was starting to feel a headache, as much he liked Grove he could only hear the same question so many times.

Grove sat by the window, his face against the glass admiring the city.

He begged Firey to play a game of Eye-Spy, unfortunately Firey was feeling rather drowsy and that was the last thing he wanted to do but he agreed, coming with difficult things that Grove would never guess in a million years so he could rest his eyes a bit.

It wasn't a long ride home and Firey only had to suffer through a few games before they got to their stop.

Grove still had a lot of energy, running ahead of Firey every so often to play with or rather, scare the birds on the footpath.

Firey took out his phone, texted Leafy that they were almost home and looked up just in time to see Grove fall face first onto the ground, raise his head up to reveal a large, red mark on his forehead and Firey knew it was going to he a nasty bruise.

"Shit," he said under his breath as he went to help Grove.

Grove began to cry and placed his hands against his forehead as Firey lifted him to his feet.

"Hey, it's alright just a little bruise, we all get them," Firey tried to reassure him.

"It hurts," Grove sniffled.

"Yeah, I'd say it does but it's okay, I'll make it better," Firey smiled softly.

Grove looked at him with sad eyes as Firey pulled his hands away so he could get a look at the damage.

"You're being brave Grove, your mama would be proud of you," Firey said pushing Grove's hair back.

"I'm brave like her," he nodded.

They weren't far from the apartment, Firey picked Grove up and carried him on his shoulders the rest of the way, cheering Grove up immensely.

Once the got there, Firey took a pack of frozen peas from the freezer and held it against the bruise to reduce the swelling.

"Ack, it's cold!" Grove complained, pushing the pack away.

"Yeah but that's what helps you get better, now you wont have a bump on your head," Firey explained.

Grove winced as Firey held the frozen bag in place, still sniffling.

"It hurts," Grove winced.

"Then we take it off and put it back on in a few minutes," Firey said with a smile.

Grove nodded as Firey lifted him from the counter where he sat and walked to the couch, grabbing his blanket and covering himself with it.

Firey smiled at him, ruffling his hair gently and sitting beside him.

Grove began playing with his action figures and Firey went into the kitchen to get him some food, he chopped up some fruit and put some leftover chicken into a slice of bread and brought it out to him.

Grove leaned against Firey, eating and offering some as he did so, the pair sat together watching a documentary about the city's train and transportation industry.

"You're a good guy now," Grove piped up.

"Wasn't I always a good guy?" Firey questioned.

"No, you were gonna steal my dinosaurs, mama said so," Grove said.

"Drat, foiled again!" Firey said in an "evil" voice.

"No! They're my Dinos!" Grove exclaimed, slightly worried.

"Just a joke, don't worry," Firey laughed.

Grove stuck his tongue out at Firey then grinned at him.


Leafy got home later than she had expected, she hoped Firey was able to look after Grove, putting him to bed and getting him to eat could sometimes be tough.

Just to be on the safe side, she entered the apartment quietly in case Grove was asleep, she walked silently into the living room and stopped when she saw the sight in front of her.

Grove was fast asleep, curled up in a ball with his blanket half covering him, with his head resting on Firey's lap and his hand holding onto Firey's shirt sleeve.

Firey was sitting upright but his head was pointed downwards and his arm loosely around Grove's shoulders, he was also asleep, snoring slightly.

Leafy smiled, wider than she had in a long time at her two favourite people in the world.

She walked over to Firey, placing a kiss on his head, smiling lovingly at him.

Firey woke up slightly to see Leafy in front of him and he gave her a tired smirk.

"Hey," he said lazily.

"Hey yourself," Leafy laughed in a low tone before kissing him goodnight.


Mmm, don't you just love filler chapters?

Sorry about the filler but I couldn't think of a way to segway into the story based chapters with lore but we are gonna be getting into it and trust me this chapter will benefit the story and it'll make certain things make a bit more sense.

Hope you enjoyed!


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