Some women were drinking different expensive wines, mostly just tasting. Some with low alcohol tolerance, like me, settled on a single origin coffee. Everyone was talking and laughing while being serenaded by a famous male balladeer.

I went to the powder room to fix my face and hair. I wanted to look presentable in the photos, since some women were taking pictures now and then.

I took my time applying a strawberry lip gloss on my lips, then combing my hair. I was done when the door opened and Elena came in.

My heart instantly hammered so fast upon seeing her. I admit, she made me so nervous. Her hostile glare, her blank expression, and her indifferent attitude. It was like stepping on thin ice when she was around. It was hard for me to act naturally. It made me very conscious of my actions.

"Hi," I greeted her with a polite smile.

I moved to give her space in the mirror, but it seemed fixing her hair and makeup was not her intention of coming inside the powder room. I realized she followed me.

"This is the first and last time that I'm going to say to you, Miss Treble," she said calmly and firmly. "I want you out of Sebastian's life. You ruined his life onLive TV, and now, he lost a very important deal because he prioritized your date. You've done enough trouble in his life already, so stay away from him before you'd destroy him totally."

Tongue-tied, I stared at her. I couldn't believe what I just heard.

Me destroying Sebastian's life? How could she think I would do that?

Before I could answer and defend myself, she turned around and left the powder room.

Shock. Hurt. Embarrassed.

I had mixed emotions.

My heart sank, my spirit left me. I felt so lifeless, and it made my knees so weak. I sat on a single stool inside the powder room and stayed there for a while. Thinking.

She hated me for ruining Sebastian's reputation onLive TV. That was understandable, coming from a mother. I owned my mistake, I shouldn't have done that. But losing an important deal...she must be referring to Sebastian's deal with Mr. Takahashi.

I couldn't believe she blamed me for that, too.

I called Colton, asking him to fetch me instantly. I couldn't stay at the party any longer, knowing that Elena hated me so badly.

"So soon?"

"Yeah. Please stop asking and just come here." I asked.

"Hmm...I never left the area to save some gas," he said. "I'll be there in ten minutes."


I went out of the powder room and looked for Johanna.

"I'm sorry. I have to leave early."

"It's okay," she replied. "I know you're very busy with your blog and manuscript. I'm so thankful for your effort to drive all the way from Dansville just to attend my book's birthday. It means a lot to me. Thank you so much, my friend."

"Anything for you, Johanna," we hugged each other.

"Don't forget to invite me during the launch of your first book, okay? I don't want to miss it."

"Of course. You'll be the first one to know." I assured her.

Next, I said goodbye to Carol. She reminded me of my draft again. She couldn't wait to read what I had written about Sebastian and the princess drama scandal. I also said my goodbye to Johanna's aunt, who was the owner of the mansion, and to some others.

My phone beeped. It was Colton, telling me he arrived and waiting outside.

The butler opened the main door for me.

"Thanks," I said. My eyes were at him.

"You're welcome, madam. Have a wonderful night."

"You too," I smiled lightly and stepped out of the mansion.

I looked straight and stopped. My eyes widened as I saw the man approaching the main door. He stopped, his expression replicated mine.

Shocked at seeing each other.



He stepped forward, and I stepped back.

"Don't do it." I said, glancing at Colton, who was waiting inside his car, at the drop off area of the house.

"I miss you. I just want a kiss." He almost begged.

"I-I don't think that's a good idea. Not here. Colton is in the car."

He nodded, understanding the situation. "You didn't tell me you'd be here in the city."

"I just found out last Sunday."

"I see."

We stared at each other. I could feel his frustrations vibrating against mine. Although we were getting closer, we still complied with the clause of our contract, which was for James to act as our only means of communication.

"I have to go," I broke the silence.

"At least, can I have a hug?" he said, and when I hesitated, he added, "just a hug. Promise."

I nodded and allowed him to hold my hand and drew me closer.

Tears welled in my eyes as he hugged me tightly against him. I felt overwhelmed with hurt at what Elena told me, and being in Sebastian's arms consoled me from the pain.

I heard him sigh and buried his face in my neck.

"Oh God, I miss you terribly," he was sniffing me deeply. His lips touched the hollow of my neck.

"So do I," I admitted.

"I'll see you tomorrow." His arms drew me closer, pressing me tightly against him.

"I can't. I have to go back to Dansville in the morning."

I heard the main door open, followed by the sharp voice of Elena.

"Sebastian. Let's go."

I pushed his chest a little, and his arms loosened. "I'll see you on Saturday."

Before he could reply, I moved out of his arms and ran towards where Colton was waiting.

"What was that all about?" Colton chuckled when he drove his car away from the mansion. "You were like star-crossed lovers."

Aren't we? Everyone in my family doesn't like Sebastian. I feel bad for him. He attempted to get closer to them during the potato festival, and yet, they made him feel he wasn't welcome in our family. The same goes with Elena. She hates me and wants me to stay away from Sebastian.

"Are you tired?" Colton said when I did not answer.

"Yeah, exhausted." I turned towards the window, watching the city lights. Colton turned on soft music, giving me a calm, peaceful feeling. I closed my eyes and thought of Sebastian.

Colton dropped me off in our rented Airbnb. I was alone, since Marie went out with her high school friends. I couldn't sleep, so I continued my research about Mr. Takahashi.

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