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cw: language, kidnapping, guns, gang affiliation

Head Huncho-

The next Monday, Snoh went to work the way she normally would and Kush slept in. He was finishing the semester at home, so he no longer had a reason to wake up early.

When he finally did, it was because someone was banging on the front door.

He groaned softly and wiped his face, flipping his phone over to check the time. It was just after ten in the morning, still earlier than he'd planned on getting up.

The knocking had yet to stop.

"I'm coming," he sighed, rolling out of bed. He picked up his antibiotics and anxiety medicine—since he had that now—and shook the pills into his palm before throwing them back and chugging the half-empty bottle of water beside his bed.

Whoever it was, they were worrisome as hell. They were still knocking.

He lazily swiped his gun off the nightstand, rubbing his eyes with a yawn as he trudged down the hallway towards the front door.

He looked through the blinds and saw A'merie.

"Oh, my — Fuck, bro!" he groaned, throwing the door open. "What?"

"Where is my child?"

He was completely confused, "What?"

"Where's Ryélle? I know you took her," she accused.

He shook his head, trying to process what he was hearing, "You telling me you lost my sister right now?"

"Stop playing with me, Keyonte. She's supposed to be at school and they called to tell me she wasn't when I know I dropped her off this morning. Ryélle, bring your ass out here!" she demanded, forcing her way in.

He rolled his eyes and closed the door as she searched the house. "I don't have her, A'merie," he called.

"Then where the hell is she?!" she demanded, walking back in the living room.

"How the fuck I'm'a know?! You came over here and woke me up out my sleep, accusing me of kidnapping 'cause you don't know how to parent. How the fuck is it my fault, you got rid of another kid?"

Tears welled in her eyes at the thought of someone taking her daughter, "I did not get rid of her."

"You got rid of me, though, right?" he hummed, going back to his room. He grabbed his phone to check his sister's location. She was twenty-four minutes away. "I don't know who house this is, but I'm finna light that bitch up," he muttered, getting himself dressed.

He went back to the living room where A'merie was sitting on the couch, crying with her face buried in her palms.

"Give me your keys."

She sniffled and looked up at him, "Excuse me?"

"Your...keys," he repeated slowly.

"Absolutely not," she scoffed, wiping her face.

"You want me to get Ryélle back or not?" he asked, cocking his gun. "She at somebody house, which mean somebody took her from school. It most likely got something to do with Shawn, so it's either you give me your keys or you drive, but you look a damn mess, so I really ain't tryna be in a car if you the one behind the wheel."

She flipped him off and he did it right back. "Do it again, I'll break it," she threatened.

"You not my damn momma. Threats like that'll get yo' ass beat. Give me the keys so I can go get my fucking sister."

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