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cw: language, mention of drugging, mention of sex, mention of rape, mention of gang violence, mention of betrayal, mention of homicide and attempted homicide, guns, betrayal, death threats


Jugg took the rest of the week off from work to take care of Munchie. Though she'd said she was fine, he didn't want to leave her alone after what'd happened.

She was leaning on the kitchen counter watching as he mixed a drink for her. There was no name for it since he was just making it up as he went, in fact he didn't even know how it would taste since he'd never made it before.

He slid it to her when he finished. "It's Eighteen-hundred in that, don't drink it too fast."

"It's not spiked, though, right?" she asked playfully.

He stared at her blankly, "That's not funny."

She giggled and nudged his arm, "Will you relax? I'm fine." She lifted the straw to her lips and took a sip.

"Oh, my God. That's so good," she said, going back for another sip that turned into three greedy gulps instead.

He took the glass, "Didn't I just say not to drink it too fast?"

"That's literally juice," she laughed. "I hope you know I'm'a be bothering the fuck out'a you for drinks. Especially when I turn twenty-one."

"You'll be gone by then."

"I'll come back. I mean, I know where you live," she shrugged.

"See, now, I'm ready to move."

She hugged him, "Shut up. You know you like me."

"Only when you not touching me," he replied, pushing her away.

"Mmh, that's not what you was saying the other day. Or did you forget you was all in my shit?" she teased.

He shrugged, "It was mid."

"A damn lie. I know my pussy good."

"It's decent. Yo' head weak, too."

She smacked her lips, "Jugg, quit playing with me."

He chuckled softly, "I'm just letting you know."

"Put it on God, I'm not a good fuck," she challenged.

"I can't do that."

"And why not?"

"'Cause I'm lying. Duh," he shrugged.

"Exactly," she scoffed, taking her drink back and walking away. "When I finish this, I want some dick," she demanded.

He rolled his eyes, "Leave me alone." His request was granted for all of fifteen minutes.

Since she'd practically taken over his bedroom, he'd adapted to spending his time on the living room couch instead. The apartment was quiet aside from the background noise of his bedroom TV down the hall.

It was easy to ignore as he read a book to keep himself occupied, but what he couldn't ignore was the way Munchie walked into the living room after finishing her drink.

All she wore was a t-shirt and a chain, both of which she'd taken from his room.

She set the empty glass on the table and straddled Jugg's lap without a care for his personal space.

He sighed as she took his book, pulling the attached string down to mark his page before tossing it on the floor.

"Wow, thanks. Not like there's a table right behind you," he scoffed.

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