Interview for Palace Maid

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Sena: I want him. Do something. I will do anything to get him. Help me.

Dikshan: let me think...

In the following days, she became dull and started losing weight. She kept mumbling Satyadev's name in her sleep.

Dikshan: This is so cruel, father.

Ambrose: If she doesn't go through this, she will never have the strength to overthrow the current queen.

Dikshan: She is innocent.

Ambrose: Nobody can stay innocent forever. She is my daughter and she needs to help our country.

There is only one use for women and she is just fulfilling her duty. Once she gives birth to an heir, we can overthrow the queen, kill the king and rule the country with my puppet grandson.

Dikshan sighed inwardly.


Sena always kept her doors locked. Her sister-in-law and maids started worrying about her.

Sister-in-law: Your highness, she is not a toy to play with.

Dikshan: You don't know any better. Shut up.

Sister-in-law: If she stays this way, she will die soon. She is a motherless child. Your father's cruelty killed your mother and her mother. She trusts you without understanding all these things. Why don't you help her?

Dikshan: You ungrateful woman!!!

He slapped her across the face and left the room. Poor woman looked at the entrance of their room and thought inwardly.

'I tried my best, Sena'

Dikshan entered his sister's room and looked at her ghastly pale face.

Dikshan: Sena

She looked at him wordlessly. Her room was disorderly. Things were thrown all around the room.

Dikshan: I have a way for you to meet Satyadev.

Her eyes brightened.

Dikshan: But it won't be an honorable one.

Sena: No problem.

Dikshan: You will then need to leave our country.

Something jolted in her and she looked at him.

Dikshan: But don't worry. I'll stay in touch with you. Our father should not learn about this plan. Otherwise, he will not allow you to enter Z. He is already angry with Satyadev.

Sena: Veandom... Veandom...

Dikshan looked at her. She learnt Z's language.

Dikshan: There is going to be an interview conducted for palace maid in Z. If you get selected, you will get a chance to meet your Prince. However, you will be serving the current Queen.

Sena: She took my place and I'll get everything back from her. I'm ready.

Dikshan: Nobody know about your identity other than Satyadev. So you won't have trouble in entering for the interview. I have created a false identity for you in Z.

Everything lies in your hand, sister.

Sena: I'll take care of things, brother.

Dikshan: Please don't show your face to anyone until you get selected. Even to Satyadev.

Sena: Why?

Dikshan: He might hate the idea of you becoming his palace maid. After all, he liked you. So stay away from his sight until I tell you.

Sena nodded her head as her brother's words made sense.

She soon left L for Z. Dikshan stood in front of his father in his chamber.

Dikshan: She left the country as our plan, your highness. I'm so worried for her.

Ambrose: She will survive. She might get her heart broken. But we need to make sure that she attains our goals.


Sena attended the interview and it was not easy as many women were fighting for the position.

In the end, fifteen women were chosen and she was the last of them.

She was initially assigned to palatial duties. She served the kitchen. The princess who lived all her life in luxury found it hard to survive in that hot kitchen.

She persevered with everything for her love towards their King, her king, Satyadev.

She soon had a chance to meet Iniyal. One year into the wedding, Iniyal still had her marital bliss. She was lively and smiling all the time.

One day, Sena was serving them in the gazebo. One glance at her face made Iniyal stop her.

Iniyal: Who are you? A new maid?

Sena nodded her head.

Her headmistress yelled at her 'introduce yourself. Her highness is asking.'

Sena: I'm Sena, your highness.

Iniyal: Are you not from Z?

Sena: My father is a foreigner and mother is from Z. I moved with her a few years ago.

I always wanted to serve the country and your highness.

Iniyal smiled at her.

Iniyal: She looks so young. Don't throw her in the kitchen. Let her go and work at my inner palace.

Iniyal didn't know that would turn grave for her then.

#Author's note: Thanks for reading.

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