Chapter 6 - Finally

Start from the beginning

"Turn on? What makes them turn on?" I asked.

"Maybe their first sweet dream. Their parents telling them about what we Guardians do for the first time. Maybe waking up to find their first lost tooth is replaced with a coin." We both sat there in silence for a while, just looking at the globe and the lights. Then, through a hole in the ceiling, I could see the moon align almost perfectly. But it was day time...

North abruptly stood upon seeing the moon, making me jump in shock.

"Dingle! Call the others!" North commanded. A couple of elves ran around panicked.

"What... what's going on?" I asked, standing and crossing my arms.

"Man in moon wants to speak to us," he explained.

"The what?" Man in moon? Was he a Guardian too? What the heck was going on?!

"Manny chose us to be Guardians. He's the one that told us Pitch was back. He made us Guardians to bring light and joy during the time Pitch was believed in," North added. What? Was there a Mother Nature and a Cupid too? I inwardly giggled to myself.

I put North and my chairs away in a corner as North just stared at the moon with his fingers to his chin, thinking. What he was thinking about, I couldn't possibly say. North was so mysterious. Within a minute, Tooth arrived with some of her fairies, Sandy arrived on a giant bird made of golden sand and Bunny came through one of his tunnels in the floor. They were so incredible to watch. So united and strong and fearless. I was honest to witness such comradery amongst such different creatures. Sandy smiled at me as everyone turned their attention to the moon shining down on us. I took a few steps away from them, feeling as if I was interfering. I shouldn't be here. Considering the looks on everyone's faces, this was very serious stuff.

"We're all here. What is it old friend?" North asked. Old friend? I guess that's fair. Wait, they talk to the moon? Like he had to me? In response, there was a bright moon beam, streaking down to the wooden floor before the Guardians. What the... Then it started to move around the floor. Oh my god! The moon was like a spirit! How beautiful! I was brutally dragged out of my thoughts by an immensely bright light, almost blinding me. I squinted and covered my eyes, unable to see anything but white. I suddenly felt lighter. What the hell? After a few seconds, it felt like I weighed nothing! So much so, it felt like I was floating! Then I looked down.

I was floating.

My heart immediately stopped in my chest. I could feel the goosebumps form on my arms, my body almost instantly feeling warmer. My first instinct was to scream. Thankfully, I decided against it. Instead, I wriggled and struggled, only making it more difficult for myself to balance.

"Help me! Guys! Tooth! Help me!" I yelled, floating higher and higher.

"Why is he doing this?" Bunny asked Sandman. A question mark of sand appeared above Sandy's head as he shrugged.

"He must have reason," North suggested.

"Still rising!" I was getting closer to the roof. Not only that, but I was drifting sideways... towards the hole in the roof! If I kept going, I could float outside! Then if I were to fall I would surely be seriously hurt. I tried to grip onto air, but that obviously didn't work. At all. God I'm so stupid. But I was panicking! I was floating towards infinite nothing, and no one was helping me! It's not like I could save myself. And even worse, I had no idea why the moon was doing this! I didn't know he could. I was so confused and scared and puzzled. I was conscarzled. There; new word. Such a random thing to think of in that kind of situation but I couldn't help it! I just wanted to stop floating.

"Tooth! Sandy! You can fly! Help me please! What the heck is going on?!" I begged. They looked at each other as if to mentally ask if the other one was planning on doing it. I didn't have time for contemplation! I was going to float out the freaking roof! There was one other person that could help me. But something inside me resisted. I had been so stupidly stubborn. Should I believe in Jack Frost just so there is a chance he could help me? Or should I stick with my beliefs? But if I'm right and he is real, then he can help me and I'll have proof. And if he isn't real... there's no harm in believing, right? Besides me flying out of the roof if I'm wrong.

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