Part 8: Amazo The Android.

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Enjoying the company of his fascinating creations, Professor Ivo affectionately petted his robotic monkeys, also known as MONQIs. He rewarded them with pets for successfully retrieving what was his, even if their heads were nothing but cold steel. After assembling his Android Amazo back together, he took a ride in the cart of a train that was headed towards Gotham. Once he's there, he planned on continuing his work and making even more brilliant creations.

As they began nearing Gotham City, Ivo suddenly heard a noise coming from the roof of the train cart. He turned to where the sound was to see a part of the roof peeled back and in jumps Superm-, no, Superboy to Ivo's surprise.

"Oh, Hello." Ivo greeted his new guest with a small smile.

"You?" Superboy slowly took in Ivo's appearance, he was mostly expecting someone more intimidating, not some small, skinny, older guy with a red bowtie. "You're Ivo? I'm whelmed."

"You're one to talk." Ivo retorted, "Now, since when does the big blue boy scout have a brat?"

Superboy sneered at that, "He doesn't."

"Yeah, if you say so." Professor Ivo shrugged in complete doubt. "Have you met my mobile optimal neural quotient infiltrators?" He asked the boy while motioning at his robotic monkeys.

Suddenly his creations began laughing and quickly flew towards Superboy. The Young Justice member quickly decimated each one, most of them exploding upon contact with his fists.

Ivo could only watch as his pitiful creations fell to the floor. "Ah. And after all the trouble I went through finding an acronym for MONQI."

Superboy grabbed another two from the air and smashed them together, destroying the robots. Superboy began panting from being out of breath when he suddenly heard a random robotic voice start speaking.

"Access Captain Atom."

Superboy was then blasted back by a sudden energy blast that sent him flying into a couple of wooden crates.

"Since Professor Ivo's magnificent MONQIs don't float your boat, maybe my amazing Amazo will better suit you. Or better slay you." Ivo remarked standing in front of the winded Superboy. The man then stepped to the side, revealing his creation. Superboy's eyes widened, it was the Android, fully assembled and functional once again.

Unshaken, Superboy got back to up to his feet. "Gimme your best shot." He told them.

The Professor scoffed, "Oh please. My Android has the strength of Superman. What chance do you have?"

This seemed to strike a nerve with Superboy who let out a battle cry as he lunged at the Android. Amazo began effortlessly blocking all of Superboy's attacks, all but one which managed to connect with its jaw, snapping its head around to a point that would've normally killed the average human. It quickly recovered though and snapped its head back into place just in time to catch Superboy's fist.

"Oh, sorry. Did that strike a nerve?" Ivo insincerely apologized with that grin still plastered on his face. "Amazo, strike a few more." He ordered.

It was the Android's turn to which it began pummeling Superboy with its own punches. "Access Black Canary." It said after launching him away with an uppercut. Amazo then unhinged its jaw, revealing a large speaker in its mouth, which shot out ultrasonic waves. Superboy screamed in pain as he quickly covered his ears from the ear-piercing sounds. The force of the sound waves threw him into the back wall.

"Access Flash." The Android switched its powers once more, this time to the infamous speedster. As Superboy stumbled to his feet, Amazo barely gave him time to recover as he threw a flurry of punches at his target at blinding speed, sending Superboy back to the floor.

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