|| 47. You are no son of mine (UN-EDITED)

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"Igor Karkaroff, you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request," Crouch announced, his voice resonating through the chamber

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"Igor Karkaroff, you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request," Crouch announced, his voice resonating through the chamber. Y/N's attention snapped towards the man, her curiosity piqued as she observed Igor Karkaroff locked in a cage at the center of the room.

"To present evidence to this council," Crouch continued, his tone authoritative. "Should your testimony prove consequential, the council may be prepared to order your immediate release," he stated, his voice unwavering. "Until such time, you remain in the eyes of the Ministry a convicted Death Eater," Crouch added, his words laden with judgment.

"Do you accept these terms?" Crouch inquired, his eyes fixed on Igor. Y/N's confusion deepened, her eyebrows furrowing in thought. She eagerly awaited Igor's response, eager to uncover the truth that lay within his testimony.

"I do, sir," Igor Karkaroff responded, his voice steady despite the weight of his situation. Y/N's gaze remained locked on him, her mind racing with anticipation. She wondered what revelations he held and how they would shape the course of events.

"And what do you wish to present?" Crouch demanded, his tone sharp and demanding. Igor took a sharp breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"I wish to present a comprehensive account of the inner workings of the Death Eater organization," Igor declared, his voice carrying a mix of anxiety and determination. Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she realized the significance of his words. This could be a pivotal moment in the fight against darkness.

Crouch leaned forward, his expression intense. "Be precise, Karkaroff," he urged, his voice cutting through the silence. "We require specific details that can lead to the identification and capture of the remaining Death Eaters," he emphasized, his words echoing with the urgency of the task at hand.

"I have names, sir," Igor mumbled, his voice laced with a mixture of anxiety and determination. Crouch raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued by the potential revelations. A man beside him flipped through the pages and handed them to Crouch, who began scanning through the information.

"There was Rosier, Evan Rosier," Igor trailed off, his voice tinged with a hint of remorse. Crouch's expression remained impassive as he delivered the news, "Rosier is dead," he stated matter-of-factly. 

A solemn atmosphere settled in the room, Moody's comment serving as a somber reminder of the sacrifices made in the battle against darkness. "He took a piece of me with him though, didn't he?" Y/N turned to face the source of the remark, meeting Moody's eye with a mixture of respect and empathy. 

Dumbledore's chuckle resonated through the chamber, a gentle reminder that even in the face of loss, they found strength and unity.

"I didn't know," Igor exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine surprise and regret. However, Crouch seemed dismissive, ready to move on. "If that is all the witness has to offer—" he began, attempting to bring the discussion to a close. But Igor's desperation surged forth, his voice pleading for a chance to reveal more.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now