|| A Tale As Old As Time

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"Krum's always been a baby - you can see it in the way he plays his matches," Y/N picked at her nails, Harry a step behind her as they walked away from the Hospital Wing. "He'll be fine. I doubt Crouch knocked him out that hard."

"Hermione's pissed," Harry said with his hands tucked in his pocket.

"I don't care about Hermione," Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Oh, yeah?"

Y/N and Harry stopped dead in their tracks, craning their heads at the sound of the voice. Y/N mechanically turned around with an awkward purse of her lips. Hermione. Of course, Hermione was following them.

"Hey, you-"

"Don't 'hey you' me, Y/N." Hermione said curtly, gaze set. She glared at Harry. "Go. Go!"

Harry was about to protest - but Hermione's glare was enough to keep him silent. Y/N looked at him with pleading eyes that begged him to stay. But Harry knew when Hermione was mad, she was horrifying - something Harry learned firsthand. He'd rather not experience it again. With his head down and his hands in his pockets, he took the walk of shame.

Once Harry left, Hermione turned to face Y/N. "What's your problem, huh?" she crossed her arms, head held up high.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Nothing?"

"Yet you were with my boyfriend last night - and he ended up in the Hospital Wing the next day," Hermione deadpanned, her voice monotone. "Why'd you beat him up?"

Y/N scoffed, folding her arms - realizing what she was implying. "I never beat him up. You're ridiculous."

"I'm ridiculous?" Hermione's eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Then clarify me."

"Krum asked me to talk, I agreed. He told me to stay away - " Y/N began, her voice monotone.

"Stay away?" Hermione cut Y/N off and pinched her eyebrows together. "He told you to stay away from me?"

"Yeah," Y/N said. "He thought we had something - I don't know, going on between us."

"That's absurd," Hermione's cheeks flushed, a defensive scoff leaving her lips. She fumbled over her words, hands flailing. "There's nothing going on between us. I'm - I'm over you."

Y/N blinked at Hermione, not knowing why she was getting so defensive. "I know you are."

Y/N didn't know if she was imagining things or if Hermione's face fell. She narrowed her eyes, hyper-analyzing the Gryffindor's expressions - flushed. ". . . That doesn't explain why you beat him up."

Y/N grew tired of Hermione's relentless accusations, her hand instinctively pinching the bridge of her nose. "I didn't beat him up. Do I have to repeat myself?"

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora