|| The First Task

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A/N: I won't be spoiling anything but there WILL be angst in the next few chapters and I know for a fact you guys will get angry at me again — so I apologize in advance

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A/N: I won't be spoiling anything but there WILL be angst in the next few chapters and I know for a fact you guys will get angry at me again — so I apologize in advance. But you HAVE to understand. ITS FOR THE PLOT


        The day Y/N was dreading had finally come — but Hermione waking up in her arms first thing in the morning helped calm her nerves a bit. She'd gotten a hearty breakfast while Harry'd barely eaten — just bread, butter, and some bacon. All the while, Y/N filled up on what she could to increase her energy.

       Everyone was cheering Y/N on the whole day and offering her a pat on the back. Even though her nerves were still in rocket mode; she wasn't as nervous about the Dragons as Harry was because she knew she wouldn't be hurt too bad — since, in a sense, she was fire (dragons spit out fire) But Harry wasn't, and she was worried about him. Now more than ever, she noticed the boy had been detached the whole day; something he'd always do whenever he was stressed.

      Lessons stopped midday after Y/N had finished Potions class with Snape. She couldn't tell if time was moving fast or slow — sometimes she would dissociate, stir her pot mindlessly. Other times, the clock would stretch out for so long that Y/N's stomach began to grumble. After class, she walked down the corridors to the Great Hall — got more pat on the backs — and sat down next to Hermione and Harry at the table to eat lunch with; though she'd not eaten nearly as much as she did in the morning. She'd overdone her breakfast, she thought.

      Y/N's gaze shifted to the other side of the table. Professor McGonagall and Flitwick walked inside the Great Hall and were hurrying to them. People were watching intently. Hermione and Harry's face turned pale.

      "Potter, Crimson. You two, come down to the grounds now. The other Champions are already there," McGonagall said hurriedly, looking as pale-faced as Harry was.

       "Okay," Y/N and Harry both sat up.

      Just as Y/N was about to turn around and leave — a hand wrapped around hers, stopping her from going. With her eyebrows furrowed, she looked down; only to see Hermione's worried face. "Good luck."

      Y/N felt the urge to kiss Hermione then and there. It was hard not to, with how Hermione looked at her. But she restrained herself and nodded with a smile, squeezing Hermione's hand three times. "Don't worry. You can visit me before the task starts. Friends and family are allowed."

      "Okay, I will," Hermione said, her face scrunching up, as if she was about to burst into tears.

      "It'll be okay," Y/N cupped Hermione's face.

      Time stood still for a moment until she heard Professor Flitwick squeak at her from behind, telling her to hurry up. Reluctantly, she pulled away. She was dragged out of the room by Professor Flitwick and McGonagall, eyes locked with Hermione's dramatically — as if they were being forced apart.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now