|| The Hearing

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     Something felt distinctly off, more so than usual. It was as if Y/N had become invisible, a ghost haunting the halls of Hogwarts. Even Hermione, though, Y/N figured it was because of their argument. It was who Ron who acted the most unusual—the boy had been practically ignoring her.

     Only Harry seemed unaffected. He treated her with the same kindness and friendship as always. Y/N suspected he had heard the rumors circulating about her, but he never broached the subject which made her love him even more.

     During class, as Y/N scribbled notes next to Harry, Professor McGonagall's voice echoed from the corridor, calling her name. The interruption made everyone raise their head from their papers, but they quickly averted their gaze, scared to make eye contact with Y/N.

     With a puzzled expression, Y/N exchanged a glance with Harry before gathering her things and stepping out into the corridor to meet McGonagall.

     "What is it, Professor?" Y/N asked, wearing a confused face.

     "Y/N," McGonagall paused. "Dumbledore wants to see you."


     "You've been expelled," Dumbledore stated flatly, shuffling through papers on his desk.

      "What?" Y/N's voice cracked, nearly dropping her bag in shock.

      "Not immediately, mind you," Dumbledore clarified. "The Ministry is pushing for your expulsion and wants to send you to a hearing at the Ministry of Magic tomorrow morning."

      Y/N's mind spun with panic. "A hearing? With the Ministry?"

     "Yes," Dumbledore affirmed calmly. "But fear not, I will defend you."

      "Defend me?" Y/N repeated, her hand slamming onto the table. "Professor, what if they send me to Azkaban?"

      "You won't be going to Azkaban, Y/N," Dumbledore replied, his voice soothing despite the gravity of the situation. "Just speak honestly and I will take care of it."

     "What about the Triwizard Tournament?" Y/N pressed, her voice trembling. "Aren't I supposed to be Cedric's replacement? I'd rather take that than be in Azkaban!"

      "We'll address that in time," Dumbledore promised, his gaze unwavering. "For now, focus on preparing for the hearing. Trust that we'll do everything we can to support you."


     "Do you believe in me, Y/N?" Dumbledore interrupted, his gaze piercing.

     "Of course I do, but—"

     "If you are innocent, then do not fret," Dumbledore interjected firmly.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt