Chapter 15

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When I woke up the next morning, I was confused to feel arms wrapped around me until I remembered what happened last night.

With a heavy heart I recalled Key's story, glancing down at the heavy, tattooed arms that were around my waist. What do you even say to something like that?

I sighed, feeling my bladder begging to be released. I tried to move as slowly as I could as to not wake up the giant, but as soon as I moved over an inch his arms tightened around me and pulled me back against his chest.

Turning my head so I could see him, his eyes were still closed and his mouth slightly parted as he slept peacefully.

Smiling, I tried once again to move out of his grip and failed miserably.

Laying there for a few more moments until I felt like I was going to explode, I decided to poke his arm until he woke up. I knew as soon as I succeeded when one of his hands moved to grab mine to stop the poking.

I turned my head again and saw him staring at me with a small smile and a amused glint in his eyes.

"Can I help you?" He asked, his voice raspy from just waking up.

"I need to pee," I whispered.

He huffed out a laugh and let me go, rolling onto his back and watched me with a smile as I crutched my way into the bathroom as quickly as possible before I pissed myself. While I was in there I brushed my teeth and washed my face, figuring I might as well get that out of the way while I was up.

As I exited my bathroom, Key looked up from his phone and smiled widely at me, patting the spot next to him on my bed.

I chuckled and made my way over, putting my crutches to the side and gently lowering myself down while under Key's watchful eye, his hand held out just in case I needed help.

Once I was finally settled on my back, I turned my head and gave him a bright grin.

He cupped my cheek in his giant hand and ran his thumb gently right under my eye where I knew I had a dark bruise. His eyes were sad but they held a hint of adoration as he stared at me. I closed my eyes, relaxing under his attention and affection.

"Are you hungry?" He asked after a few moments of silence.

As soon as he mentioned food my stomach growled, causing me to let out a sigh and for him to laugh. I opened my eyes and smiled sheepishly at him.

"Hold on I'll help you get up," Key got out of bed and walked around to where my crutches were, grabbing both of them in one hand and reaching his other hand out to me.

Knowing he wasn't going to let me lay here longer while I was hungry, I slowly sat up, trying not to irritate any of my injuries. He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and helped guide me into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

Once I was in position, he handed me my crutches and made sure I stayed steady as I stood up. The entire way up to the bar he was making sure I didn't slip or bump into anything, his hands held out and a worried glint in his eyes.

Once we made it to the bar, he helped me sit on one of the stools. Relieved to be sitting, I closed my eyes and relaxed into the backrest of the stool as I felt my injuries protest at too much movement first thing in the morning.

A hand rested on top of mine gently and I opened my eyes, seeing Lily gazing at me. Her eyebrows were furrowed and lips drawn into a tight frown of concern.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded and cleared my throat before speaking. "Yeah, just too much movement at once right now. I'll be perfectly fine shortly though don't worry okay?" I reassured her. It was kind of her to express so much concern over me.

"Plus," I spoke again. "I have mother hen over here to watch me," I joked as I pointed my thumb over my shoulder at Key, who hadn't stopped hovering near me.

I heard him scoff and I looked over my shoulder in time to catch him roll his eyes. Smiling, I turned back to Lily and she was watching with a small smile of her own.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

I nodded, "yeah, starving."

As soon as the words left my mouth Key raced into the kitchen, without a doubt to go get me something to eat.

I rolled my eyes and Lily started laughing. Shaking my head, I saw her take a drink of water to try and quiet her laughter and calm down.

"I would've never thought that big, buff man would ever be like a mother hen, but I've definitely been proven wrong," I chuckled, shaking my head with a small smile of my own.

She had a fond smile of her own when she set her drink down. "We were all worried about you. You may not realize it, but we would've burned the world down searching for you. You light up all of our lives, and I can say for sure that Key definitely won't be leaving you alone for awhile."

Looking at her, she was watching me with a sad but fond smile. I sighed. "It wasn't until I joined the club that I truly felt appreciated and wanted. You all are my family, and I love you guys. Thank you for not giving up on me." I had to swallow down the lump in my throat that had formed while I was talking. "I knew you guys wouldn't give up on finding me, but there was a part of me that almost doubted it for a second. I had always came last before, so why would this had been any different?" I paused and sighed. "But then I snapped myself out of it and held onto hope, because this family means everything to me and I knew in my heart that you were going to find me eventually."

Lightly lightly grabbed my hand in her own, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"We would burn the world for you Smiles."

My breath hitched and I snapped my head to look at her, and knew by her expression that she was telling the truth. Something in my chest settled, a heaviness lifted that I hadn't paid attention to before.

These people are my family, and and just like they'd do anything for me, I'd do anything for them.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a plate was set down in front of me, filled with bacon, eggs, sausage and hash browns. He set a smaller bowl down next to the plate that had biscuits and gravy in it.

My stomach growled and my mouth watered. Quickly thanking him, I dug in, almost moaning at the taste.

It wasn't until I was a couple bites in that I paused enough to look at Key. He was already watching me with a fond twinkle in his eyes.

"Thank you. Really, thank you," I told him.

He shook his head and chuckled. "You don't need to thank me, just keep eating. You need it."

I shoveled food into my mouth, sighing in relief once my stomach stopped growling. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I had started to eat. Once my stomach stopped growling I slowed down, wanting to savor the taste and appreciate the fact that he went out of his way to get this for me.

It's one thing for someone to say that they're going to try and change. It's a completely different thing for them to actually make the effort to change. So far from what I have seen out of Key is that he is trying, I can see that he genuinely cares and wants to do better. Plus, it's really nice having someone take care of you.

Hopefully it'll last awhile.
It's short but I haven't had much motivation for writing, I apologize.

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